Download e-book for kindle: Serodiagnosis of the Infectious Diseases: Mycoplasma by Nevio Cimolai MD, FRCP(C) (auth.)

By Nevio Cimolai MD, FRCP(C) (auth.)

ISBN-10: 146137393X

ISBN-13: 9781461373933

ISBN-10: 1461552494

ISBN-13: 9781461552499

Among the various modes of diagnostic checking out for infections, serological (i.e. antibody selection) experiences are nonetheless seriously used. Serodiagnosis of the Infectious Diseases examines this subject in a modern context, and in so doing makes use of serodiagnosis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae an infection because the examine version. significant serological equipment are reviewed, as is the chronological improvement of serodiagnosis for this an infection. there are lots of vital parallels that are appropriate to the serodiagnosis of any infectious affliction, and historical past reminds us of the way those commonalities have to be reviewed, even if for current, rising or newly found infectious illnesses. Serodiagnosis of the InfectiousDiseases is a beneficial creation for infectious affliction experts, bacteriology specialists, diagnostic laboratorians and scientific scholars, and technologists taking the microbiology diagnostic tools course.

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With age advancement or common exposure), the more potential there exists for enlarging the repertoire of antibodies which will include responses Serodiagnosis of the Infectious Diseases 27 which are both specific and relatively non-specific. Furthermore, even among the polyclonal sera, immunization versus experimental or natural infection may affect the perceived cross-reactivity. The specific nature of antigenic homology (Le. protein versus polysaccharide versus lipid) was often ill-defined. The potential for growth medium components to adhere to mycoplasmas, 117-119 especially given the high concentrations of animal sera in liquid growth media, also complicates the ability to make meaningful comparisons when such contaminants may be especially difficult to eliminate by usual washing techniques.

Although blood transfusions could serve as a mechanism to introduce circulating CF antibody in the latter context, the CF antibody responses to other non-M. pneumoniae antigens were unimpressive. 168 The association ofM. pneumoniae CF antibody and acute pancreatitis received considerably more attention. Initially, it was proposed, based on findings from a small series of patients, that acute pancreatitis could occur in patients along with or shortly following an acute M. pneumoniae illness. 169 Four of six patients from this latter study had Serodiagnosis of the Infectious Diseases 45 cold agglutinin titres ranging from 1164 - 111024 in addition to both significant CF and MI antibody increments.

Pneumoniae antibodylso. Immunization of rabbits and guinea pigs with Legionella did not raise M. lso,ls3 The finding that sheep, which were immunized with Legionella, could amount M. pneumoniae CF titres (maximum :::;11128) was not considered significant since pre-immunization sera had M. pneumoniae CF titres varying from 118 to 1132. Given the fallibility of the CF antigen, regardless of composition, the CF test has nevertheless been considered a standard in part due to the considerable worldwide experience which was acquired in its use.

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Serodiagnosis of the Infectious Diseases: Mycoplasma pneumoniae by Nevio Cimolai MD, FRCP(C) (auth.)

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