New PDF release: Kapauku - Malayan - Dutch - English Dictionary

By Marione Doble

ISBN-10: 9401521816

ISBN-13: 9789401521819

ISBN-10: 9401533962

ISBN-13: 9789401533966

The Kapauku dialects of this dictionary are spoken by way of nearly 35,000 humans calling themselves Me, and their language Me Mana, within the Wisselmeren quarter within the severe western component to the Nassau Mountains of Netherlands New Guinea. This dictionary includes nearly 2000 Kapauku root phrases, with a few idioms and deriva tives. the writer is engaged in paintings with the language and Bible translation less than the Christian and Missionary Alliance, having lived on the executive and project headquarters village of Enarotali for 9 years. elements of speech are pointed out as folIows: Verbs result in -ei, -ou, -ii, or -ai. -ai verbs are via both -i or -a, which shows the 1st stern. the 1st stern hence provided, the verbs might be inflected based on the foundations of inflection of Kapauku verbs, as defined in 1 the grammar. fake verbs are by way of the inflectible auxiliary tai, kai, gai, or extra occasionally, pai or atii. Postpositives are indicated with 'pp' following and the remaining are substantives or attributives accord ing to their use. Syllables with an accessory mark have the next pitch. lengthy vowels and diphthongs have note pressure and go with the flow down until marked excessive. Dialect variations among Lakes Paniai and Tigi are indicated the place recognized with (P) or (T) following. An rare (E) shows the dialect east of Enarotali. to prevent confusion the (E) preliminary i8 retained within the Malay and Dutch sections.

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Maa tai, gantung supaja kering; te drogen hangen; to hang to dry. maa, pangkal paha; heupgewricht; thigh joint. maanai-i(T), onii(P), turun dIrn air; onderdompelen; submerge, put under water. maawai, parang; lang mes, kapmes; long knife, machete. mabii, anak2 antara jg kedua dan bungsu; kinderen tussen het 2e en laatste; children between 2nd a,nd last. mabiipa, jg tersebut diatas bila berrumah tangga sendiri; wanneer zulke kinderen zelf een gezin hebben; when such children have a family. mabiki tai, kasi pindah, istimewa sampah, majat; opruimen, voornamelijk vuilnis, lijken; to remove, especially trash, corp· se.

Barang kali, ... barang kali; of; ... or... pija, kaju, pohon kaju; hout, boom; wood, tree. pija kita, mandul; onvruchtbaar (vrouw); barren woman. pijaije, pugaije, guna 2 ; amulet; charm, fetish. pijamogo, bulan surut; derde kwartier van maan; third quarter of moon. pijauto, udjung kaju, luka olehnja; stok, wond er door verkregen; stick, incur in· jury by it. pijo, halal, jg diizinkan; wettig, rechtmatig, geoorloofd; lawful, permissible. pikai-a, potong 2 kaki babi, runding; varkenspoot in stukken snijden, beraadslagen; slice pig foot, to council.

Pege tai, pegemai-i, berisi, air dlm 10bang, dsb; bevatten, als water in gat; to con· tain, as water in hole. pegee-pagee tai, menonton; rustig toekijken, toeschouwer; to look on quietly, on· lookers. pegei(P), bodt1(T), sebangsa pohon kaju; grote boom met brede bladeren; a taU tree with broad leaves. pego, sematjam tanaman rupanja sprt djagung; gecultiveerde maisachtige plant; a cultivated corn·like plant. pegoke me(P), pigoka me(T), nenek mo· jang; voorouder; ancestor. pegu, bedden, kotak dr kebun; bed (in tuin); garden bedding.

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Kapauku - Malayan - Dutch - English Dictionary by Marione Doble

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