Download e-book for kindle: Mammalian toxicology of insecticides by Timothy C Marrs

By Timothy C Marrs

ISBN-10: 1849731918

ISBN-13: 9781849731911

ISBN-10: 1849733007

ISBN-13: 9781849733007

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Recovery occurs when the concentration of the chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide in the nervous system falls below a critical level. This may often be due to a redistribution of the chemical to other tissues, especially from the blood supply to fat, rather than elimination from the body which could take much longer. 2 Absorption Organochlorine insecticides can be absorbed through the skin as well as by breathing and by mouth, but the importance of dermal absorption varies markedly for the different compounds.

International Organization for Standardization, International Standard 1750. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, 1981. 42. International Organization for Standardization, International Standard 1750. ISO 1750:1981/Amendment: 2008 International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, 2008. csnumber¼44984 43. World Health Organization, International Non-Proprietary Names Guidance. World Health Organization, Geneva. html 44. Health and Safety Executive, Chemicals Regulation Directorate, Data Requirements Handbook.

5 Metabolism of chlordane. 20 Since heptachlor is more toxic than technical chlordane (rat oral LD50s, 147–220 mg kgÀ1 and 367–515 mg kgÀ1, respectively), conversion of chlordane to heptachlor could be considered bioactivation. 21 Because epoxides are typically more biologically reactive than the parent carbon-carbon double bonds, the formation of heptachlor epoxide may be the reason that heptachlor is more toxic than chlordane. 6 Metabolism of heptachlor. insecticides arose as a prominent class for replacement.

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Mammalian toxicology of insecticides by Timothy C Marrs

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