By Louis W.C. Tavecchio and Marinus H. Van Ijzendoorn (Eds.)
ISBN-10: 0444701567
ISBN-13: 9780444701565
The most aim of the learn awarded during this booklet is to expand the scope of attachment idea via stressing the significance of a social community method of the examine of attachment. This method kinds the integrating subject of this quantity, as is testified through quite a few reviews of attachment because it develops in an "extended" rearing context over and past the bounds of the conventional mother-child dyad. during this connection consciousness is paid to the significance of sibling relationships, attachment relationships with expert caregivers, the function of the daddy in being concerned and rearing childrens, and the (short-term and long term) results on attachment caliber of maternal employment in infancy. additionally, the cross-cultural validity of Ainsworth's unusual state of affairs is mentioned, on the subject of the united states, Sweden, Israel, Japan, The Netherlands, and so forth. In adopting a social community procedure, the attachment concept proves to be a very necessary software for reflecting at the final result of social swap (maternal employment, symmetrical households, socialisation of childrearing) for baby improvement.
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Attachment in Social Networks: Contributions to the Bowlby-Amsworth Attachment Theory by Louis W.C. Tavecchio and Marinus H. Van Ijzendoorn (Eds.)
by David