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By Morris Green

ISBN-10: 012299020X

ISBN-13: 9780122990205

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By combining the use of radiommunoassay of tissue extracts and immunohistochemistry, it is possible to calculate that VIPand substance P-containing neurons of the mouse ileum and colon each contain about one femtomole of peptide (Dockray et al, 1984). The capacity for protein synthesis in neurons is limited to the cell body; therefore, the peptides must be transported from cell body to nerve endings, where release takes place. Direct experimental evidence for this has been produced in the case of the vagus nerve (see Dockray et al, 1981) and in numerous reports that the peptide content of neuronal cell bodies increases after treatment with colchicine, which blocks axonal transport (Schultzberg et al, 1980).

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It does not, however, give information about the amounts of peptide present nor about the precise chemical nature of material localized. Conversely, radioimmunoassay can give accurate information about tissue contents and, when coupled with chromatography, will also help identify the molecular nature of the material. It does not, however, give information about cellular origins, although by using fine dissection of different layers of the gut, it is sometimes possible to estimate the amounts in neurons (muscle layers) compared with endocrine cells (mucosa) (see Hutchison et al, 1981).

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The Role of the Gastrointestinal Tract in Nutrient Delivery by Morris Green

by Mark

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