By Murray Edelman
ISBN-10: 0521805104
ISBN-13: 9780521805100
The Politics of incorrect information is an exam of ways concentrations of social and financial energy bring about public languages of politics which are unavoidably image-based, imprecise, and deceptive of their denial of undemocratic developments. therefore, public discourses of democracy are typically populistic, emotional, and certain to stress photos of growth instead of structural inequalities of their formulations of public difficulties. in brief, neither normal challenge definitions nor recommendations invite serious well known realizing or involvement in democratic politics.
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They accept the authoritativeness of "experts" regarding a great many issues that strongly affect their lives and their livelihoods, including the claims of military and diplomatic officials regarding which nations are hostile and when war is warranted. It is true that public policies have tried to help the disadvantaged, though their consequences do not warrant enthusiasm and have often been disappointing. Affirmative action, the war on poverty, and the voting rights amendment have helped a relatively small number of blacks to climb from poverty into the middle class, but most blacks have not benefited enough to improve their status significantly.
It is a world in which heroes and villains contend with each other or, at the least, in which individual leaders and other conspicuous persons make the 36 The Politics of Misinformation key policy determinations because they know how. It is usually a romanticized world in which hard or dull work, boredom, despair, and hopelessness are not especially evident and in which virtue usually wins out in the long run. In this world one's own country is also romanticized. Although individual experience is often incompatible with these images, most information and misinformation comes from the media and from works of art, which are the key determinants of belief for most of the population and so override or severely qualify experience.
Some individuals (though proportionately few in relation to the entire population) experience marked improvement in their economic, social, or political status. Such change can be due to Social Change 37 exceptional ability, the influence of others, corruption, chance, or, most often, luck. In any case it is a small enough number that does not alter the overall pattern of inequalities among social groups, especially given that others move down the socio-economic ladder. In times of revolution or other major upheavals, large groups may experience major changes in wealth, status, and influence.
The Politics of Misinformation (Communication, Society and Politics) by Murray Edelman
by Edward