Niccolò Machiavelli : history, power, and virtue by Leonidas Donskis PDF

By Leonidas Donskis

ISBN-10: 1283009315

ISBN-13: 9781283009317

ISBN-10: 9042032774

ISBN-13: 9789042032774

ISBN-10: 9042032782

ISBN-13: 9789042032781

This quantity is an try and reconsider Niccolò Machiavelli, essentially the most difficult political thinkers within the heritage of ecu political proposal. In 2013, we'll mark 500 years given that Machiavelli wrote his difficult letter to Lorenzo de' Medici, Il Principe. This ebook is an activity to hide essentially the most complicated features of Machiavelli's lifestyles and paintings

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This quantity is an try to reconsider Niccolò Machiavelli, the most tough political thinkers within the background of eu political concept. In 2013, we'll mark 500 years on the grounds that Machiavelli wrote his complicated letter to Lorenzo de' Medici, Il Principe. This booklet is an pastime to hide one of the most complicated points of Machiavelli's lifestyles and paintings

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182) The Decemviri had despotic power and Appius Claudius was most prominent member of the Ten. When the Sabines and the Volscians declared war on Rome, two armies under the command of several Decemviri left the city. Appius, however, remained in order to govern the city. It was then that he (Appius) became enamoured of Virginia, and on his attempting to carry her off by force, her father Virginius killed her to save her from her ravisher. This provoked violent disturbances in Rome and in the army, who, having been joined by the people of Rome, marched to the Mons Sacer, where they remained until the Decemvirs abdicated their magistracy, and the Consuls and Tribunes were re-established, and Rome was restored to its ancient liberty and form of government.

Much of what Machiavelli said made sense, but certain things stick out wrong – like when he offers the wisdom that it’s better to be feared than loved, it kind of makes you wonder if Machiavelli was thinking big. I know what he meant, but sometimes in life, someone who is loved can inspire more fear than Machiavelli ever GUHDPHGRI´ '\ODQSI Introduction The Prince has no power. This is the immediate consequence of applying Weber’s seminal concept of power to Machiavelli’s The Prince as we will see below.

But we must assume as a general rule that it never or rarely happens that a republic or monarchy is well constituted, or its old institutions entirely reformed, unless it is done by only one individual; it is ever necessary that he whose mind has conceived such a constitution should be alone in carrying it into effect. A sagacious legislator of a republic, therefore, whose object is to promote the public good, and not his private interests, and who prefers his country to his own successors, should concentrate all authority in himself; and a wise mind will never censure any one for having employed any extraordinary means for the purpose of establishing a kingdom or constituting a republic.

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Niccolò Machiavelli : history, power, and virtue by Leonidas Donskis

by Paul

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