Download e-book for iPad: The Language Construction Kit by Mark Rosenfelder

By Mark Rosenfelder

Create believable and real looking languages for RPGs, myth and technological know-how fiction, video clips or games, or overseas communication... or simply find out about how languages paintings from an strange, light-hearted point of view. The Language building equipment on has helped a iteration of conlangers to appreciate and create languages. It's multiplied the following with assurance of semantics and pragmatics, language households, writing platforms, and pattern wordlists, in addition to an annotated pattern grammar. Revised version.

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Example text

B c. ,k"%(im d. ,k"1*d1 e. `Ób µSODQWDLQ¶ µWZLQV¶ µKHDUWV¶ µURRWV¶ µWZLQV¶ (class 5) (class 5) (class 6) (class 6) (class 6) The homorganic nasal consonant, as we have observed, is a regular prefix for classes 1b, 3b, 9 and 10 nouns. Its occurrence as stem initial consonant in this group of nouns in classes 19, 6 and 5 is quite an exception. My guess is that this nasal consonant is an old prefix which has undergone a metanalysis and has, in effect, become part of the stem in the examples in (12122)1.

B. c. d. e. Ä, µ WKHDFWRI SOD\LQJ¶ µ WKHDFWRI VODSSLQJ¶ µ WKHDFWRI ORYLQJ¶ µ WKHDFWRI WDNLQJ¶ µ WKHDFWRI FURVVLQJ¶ (xiii) Gender 5 (Gerundials) (35) a. ¦dd b. *ÀÄ c. %/¦ d. ÀÓÄ e. /ÂÓÂ µVSHHFKODQJXDJH¶ µZDON¶ µODXJKWHU¶ µZLOGQHVV¶ µFU\¶ 4. Concord system Each of the noun classes presented above is associated with a particular nominal prefix and with a distinctive pattern of agreement borne by modifiers and arguments of the noun. Thus the form of the noun related word (modifiers and arguments) especially the initial consonant is determined by the class of the head noun such that each noun class will command the same concord prefixes or morphemes.

K'% *k'% d'% k'% &&$k'% Poss ³P\´ Int. '­­% Quant. Ï% #<'ÍÑ% $'ÍÑ% #<Í% $i% #<'­­% +'­­% #<'­­% $'­­% ,% d% There are three kinds of concord elements: CVC, CV, V and C. The CVC concord element is attested only in adjectives (numerals pattern with adjectives) used to modify classes 1 and 9 QRXQV 7KH YRZHO FRQFRUG HOHPHQW ZKLFK RFFXUV RQ WKH TXDQWLILHU ³DOOHYHU\´ XVXDOO\ JHWV deleted when the preceding noun ends in a vowel. 1. The CV element could be an oral or nasal consonant.

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The Language Construction Kit by Mark Rosenfelder

by Paul

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