Mongolic Phonology and the Qinghai-Gansu Languages by Hans Nugteren PDF

By Hans Nugteren

ISBN-10: 9460930700

ISBN-13: 9789460930706

Mongolic Phonology and the Qinghai-Gansu Languages

The peripheral Mongolic languages of the Qinghai-Gansu sector in China comprise
Eastern Yugur (Shira Yugur) and the Shirongol languages. The latter should be subdivided in a Monguor department, together with Mongghul and Mangghuer, and a Baoanic department, inclusive of Baoan, Kangjia, and Dongxiang (Santa).
The inner taxonomy of the Qinghai-Gansu languages may be mentioned in a separate section.
The Qinghai-Gansu languages are more and more well-described. They
have additionally been the topic of stories in language touch, normally within the context
of the Amdo or Qinghai-Gansu Sprachbund.
This research will strategy the phonology of Qinghai-Gansu Mongolic
from a comparative historic standpoint. It presents an summary of the phonological advancements of the Qinghai-Gansu languages, evaluating them to the reconstructed ancestral language. whilst it is going to examine the
archaic beneficial properties that may be present in those languages, on the way to increase the
reconstructions of person Mongolic lexemes.
The e-book ends with a comparative complement of approximately 1350
reconstructed universal Mongolic goods, observed via the trendy types they're according to and, the place priceless, arguments for the selected reconstruction.

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Mongolic Phonology and the Qinghai-Gansu Languages

The peripheral Mongolic languages of the Qinghai-Gansu sector in China comprise
Eastern Yugur (Shira Yugur) and the Shirongol languages. The latter should be subdivided in a Monguor department, along with Mongghul and Mangghuer, and a Baoanic department, inclusive of Baoan, Kangjia, and Dongxiang (Santa).
The inner taxonomy of the Qinghai-Gansu languages can be mentioned in a separate section.
The Qinghai-Gansu languages are more and more well-described. They
have additionally been the topic of stories in language touch, often within the context
of the Amdo or Qinghai-Gansu Sprachbund.
This examine will strategy the phonology of Qinghai-Gansu Mongolic
from a comparative historic point of view. It offers an summary of the phonological advancements of the Qinghai-Gansu languages, evaluating them to the reconstructed ancestral language. even as it is going to examine the
archaic positive factors that may be present in those languages, for you to enhance the
reconstructions of person Mongolic lexemes.
The publication ends with a comparative complement of approximately 1350
reconstructed universal Mongolic goods, observed through the fashionable varieties they're in accordance with and, the place beneficial, arguments for the selected reconstruction.

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Example text

I will attempt to determine for each feature that is shared by two or more languages, and may therefore be of classificatory value, whether it was inherited from a shared ancestor, or developed separately under the influence of a neighbouring language. 11 Not all of the phonetic criteria listed by Rybatzki will be repeated here, which is not a statement about their validity. 1. Features uniting all of QG Mongolic The features shared by Eastern Yugur and the Shirongol languages are mostly of a very general nature, and most are not exclusive to the QG region.

CM *keüken „child‟ now specifically denotes female children in central Mongolic, but male children in the QG languages. A functional difference has developed with regard to *irgen „people‟. It has become a third person personal pronoun in Eastern Yugur and all of Shirongol. *eǰen „master‟ has become a reflexive pronoun in Eastern Yugur and Monguoric, and a third person pronoun in Baoan. ). The numeral *nige „one‟ has come to function as an indefinite article and/or singular marker in Monguoric, Baoan and Kangjia.

Retrofl. /lar. 10 Final -r (pronounced ɹ) is marginal in Suonanba, and is often analysed as a part of the preceding vowel (Bökh adds the „rhotic vowel‟ ɚ to his system). In other Dongxiang dialects syllable-final r occurs frequently. Liú (1981:13) has a velar fricative ɣ rather than a uvular one. 9 10 It may also be found in other environments, as in Dgx (according to Liú‟s analysis) tïƺï < *tobčï „button‟, and dalï < *dalu „shoulder‟. The other sources record these words differently. The sequence -ri in Dgx qïri- < *gar- „to exit‟, ƺawari- < *ǰalbarï- „to beg‟ does not have a retroflex pronunciation.

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Mongolic Phonology and the Qinghai-Gansu Languages by Hans Nugteren

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