Download PDF by Various: The guardian of Gunrock

By Various

ISBN-10: 8189750984

ISBN-13: 9788189750985

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My son, Amit's father Keshav, was a problem child. He dropped out of school and spent his time with ruffians. I set up a small business for him and got him married to Rupali, a pretty and sensitive girl. I thought marriage would make him more responsible. For a few years Keshav was all right. When Amit was around five, things began to worsen. Keshav took to drinking. Gradually his business collapsed. He kept pressurizing Rupali to ask money from her father. Poor girl, much against her wishes she was forced to comply.

The bus jerked to a halt and suddenly Rohan realized he had come a long way. It was lunch time but he was left with only forty rupees after buying himself a ticket. He got off the bus and brought some pakoras. He ate them hungrily and washed the food down with two glasses of water. When he turned back, he thought he saw the bus move. He lunged for it but before he could get in, it was gone. Rohan waited in front of the shop hoping that another bus would arrive soon. But none did. It was four in the evening.

He decided he would always keep her close to him. But she actually turned out to be a bundle of disappointment. Rohan's mother now got herself too busy with the baby and she was always at her beck and call. Rohan had to pack his tiffin box and school bag by himself. She could not attend to Rohan when he was having his lunch and was keen on narrating the day's happenings. She was too busy for that. She was always seen around Manu, and Rohan started growing weary of that. Manu's arrival had an effect on father, too.

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The guardian of Gunrock by Various

by Anthony

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