Structure and Function of Gangliosides - download pdf or read online

By Herbert Wiegandt (auth.), Lars Svennerholm, Paul Mandel, Henri Dreyfus, Paul-Francis Urban (eds.)

ISBN-10: 1468478443

ISBN-13: 9781468478440

ISBN-10: 146847846X

ISBN-13: 9781468478464

This quantity documents the complaints of a global Symposium at the constitution and serve as of Gangliosides, held at Le Bischenberg, Alsace, France, in April 23-27, 1979. The assembly used to be convened to get a complete view of the large task that had happened within the box because the prior convention on gangliosides held at Mont Sainte-Odile, ~lsace, France, in April 1973. At a convention on Enzymes of Lipid Metabolism held on the related position in April, 1977, a number of of the contributors from the 1st ganglioside convention in 1973 met back. All earlier members agreed that the 1st assembly with its many frank and stimulating lectures, around tables and casual discussions were of great significance for the job within the box and resulted in many own contacts and a hot friendship one of the ganglioside researchers. The good fortune of the 1st assembly has to be ascribed mostly to 1 unmarried guy, PAUL MANDEL. accordingly, we made up our minds to devote the subsequent ganglioside convention to hirn and that i was once given the privilege to rearrange the assembly including him and employees contributors at Centre de Neurochirnie, Strasbourg. The Symposium at the constitution and serve as of Gangliosides used to be prepared to honour PAUL MANDEL for his exact and not­ failing efforts to advertise and boost foreign col­ laboration in all fields of neurochemistry.

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IU, 171: •. ,,,,'. 1 I'. , 'I .. t. -0- . . . -O-II •• ou·-O - CIl rCII'--"+- CII-CII-C' I" " 1 • 01... • :~) 29 1 855·1 2093 ; 289ZÖ37 2891-1>24. 1\. I :: '~Io:··~ . : . Y . i... 1I ... +O-i-lh· ..... "+o+" ....... ,,,. ,.. ~. :::.. ' ' ''' 1000 '"' ....... O.!.. •• "I0 .... /'11. , 1978; 1979). I will briefly illustrate this with a non-acid glycolipid fraction of rabbit small intestine and limit the presentation to the high-temperature fucolipid interval. In Fig. 7 the result from recording from the reduced mixture of Fand B ions (compare Fig.

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Structure and Function of Gangliosides by Herbert Wiegandt (auth.), Lars Svennerholm, Paul Mandel, Henri Dreyfus, Paul-Francis Urban (eds.)

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