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By Fernando Cassorla, Rossana Romńn (auth.), Johannes D. Veldhuis M.D., Andrea Giustina M.D. (eds.)

ISBN-10: 0387988106

ISBN-13: 9780387988108

ISBN-10: 1461215463

ISBN-13: 9781461215462

ISBN-10: 1461271878

ISBN-13: 9781461271871

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Initial plasma testosterone (T) concentration at 2000 and 0800 and overnight T increase (morning-evening concentration) in 45 prepubertal boys with constitutional delayed growth or puberty (defined as the attainment of testicular volume ~ 4 ml) (hatched columns; n = 14) and those who remained clinically prepubertal (open columns; n =31) during the subsequent 12 months offolJow-up. 005 pubertal vs. prepubertal, Student's two-tailed unpaired t-test. Reproduced with permission from Wu et al. (II).

Reproduced with permission from Wu et al. (II). 2. Sex-Steroid-GH Interactions During Normal Male Puberty 13 day as well, resulting in a more sustained serum concentration of testosterone that eventually reaches the concentrations found in young adult males (12). Like the HPG axis, the GH-IGF-I axis also undergoes activation at the onset of puberty. Prepubertally, secretion patterns ofGH in both genders show a marked diurnal rhythm with maximal secretion during sleep (13). At puberty, GH pulse amplitude increases nocturnally (14-17).

Total daily pulsatile GH production rates were derived as the product of secretory burst frequency and the mass of hormone released per secretory event. The integrated product of the secretory impulse and elimination function, the convolution integral, depicts the best-fit nonlinear least-squares function of the actual concentration-versus-time profile of the hormone. Statistical Analysis Comparisons between the baseline and tlutamide-treated states or the placeboand tamoxifen-treated states were made using the paired two-tailed Student's t-test.

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Sex-Steroid Interactions with Growth Hormone by Fernando Cassorla, Rossana Romńn (auth.), Johannes D. Veldhuis M.D., Andrea Giustina M.D. (eds.)

by Michael

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