Rethinking the Power of Maps by Denis Wood PDF

By Denis Wood

ISBN-10: 1593853661

ISBN-13: 9781593853662

A modern follow-up to the groundbreaking Power of Maps, this e-book takes a clean examine what maps do, whose pursuits they serve, and the way they are often utilized in fabulous, artistic, and radical methods. Denis wooden describes how cartography facilitated the increase of the trendy country and the way maps proceed to embrace and venture the pursuits in their creators. He demystifies the hidden assumptions of mapmaking and explores the guarantees and barriers of numerous counter-mapping practices this present day. Thought-provoking illustrations contain U.S. Geological Survey maps; electoral and transportation maps; and diverse examples of severe cartography, participatory GIS, and map artwork.

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There is a divide here that is impossible to evade. Recall the dates at which maps really begin to appear in the historical record: Islamic artifacts may date to the 10th century, but maps don’t become common until the 15th and 16th centuries; the oldest surviving map of China may be from the second century BCE, but maps aren’t common until the 12th and only become abundant in the 17th century; large-scale Japanese maps may survive from the eighth century, but national and provincial maps only begin appearing in the late 16th century and are not common until the 17th; the oldest surviving Hindu globe is from the 15th century; Vietnamese and European maps become plentiful only in the 15th and 16th centuries; Mesoamerican maps survive largely from the 16th century; Malay maps from the 16th century.

But the sporadic nature of this articulation no less strongly suggests that at the size and degree of complication reached by most ancient civilizations, the map discourse function as it has come to evolve could be satisfied by other, better-established discourse functions (generally scripted and/or numeric), so that the map discourse function failed to establish itself no matter how many times it was seeded. The map discourse function is nowhere well rooted until the rise of the early modern state (which in China may mean the Song), with which it coevolves as an instrument of polity, to assess taxes, to wage war, to facilitate communications, and to exploit strategic resources.

A “word cloud” made using Jonathan Feinberg’s wordle algorithm out of all the words in the 321 definitions of the word “map” that J. H. Andrews collected from the years 1649 to 1996. The size of each word is proportional to the frequency of its occurrence in the corpus. (Source: J. H. Andrews and wordle)  Maps Blossom in Springtime 19 the map. Naturalizing the map has the effect of universalizing it, and this helps obscure the map’s origins in the rise of the state.  .  . the map’s role in the establishment and maintenance of social relations in societies where maps are common.

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Rethinking the Power of Maps by Denis Wood

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