Vacuum Drying for Extending Food Shelf-Life - download pdf or read online

By Felipe Richter Reis

ISBN-10: 331908206X

ISBN-13: 9783319082066

ISBN-10: 3319082078

ISBN-13: 9783319082073

In this booklet, appropriate examples of ways to extend the shelf lifetime of nutrients fabrics whereas keeping their fascinating unique gains are provided.

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Patel et al. [14] optimized the fermentation and the microwave-vacuum drying of an Indian vegetable-based food named Dhokla. The response surface methodology and the desirability function were employed as optimization techniques for both processes. While the fermented Dhokla contains 65–70 % moisture, the dried product (instant Dhokla mix) contains 5–6 % moisture. The product was formulated with rice, Bengal gram, black gram, water and salt. Before fermentation, the ingredients were hydrated and ground.

More specifically, increase in the glycerol concentration promoted decrease in lightness, colorfulness and hue angle. In this sense, the authors concluded that the color of the mandarins was more intense when higher levels of sucrose were used in the osmotic pretreatment. , high levels of sucrose preserved this pigment in a better way. The authors suggested that the results for color and β-carotene content are correlated. The β-carotene was also affected by different power levels. The use of a higher power level yielded mandarins with lower β-carotene content.

The final product quality, expressed as perceived color, taste, texture, flavor and measured rehydration capacity, was better when conventional vacuum drying was used, though. Discoloration by browning was shown to be higher when radio-frequency heating was used. This behavior was attributed to the combination of high temperatures and high moisture content in the product during radio-frequency heating. In conclusion, the conventional vacuum drying was considered by the author as the best one among the processes studied.

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Vacuum Drying for Extending Food Shelf-Life by Felipe Richter Reis

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