On the discourse of satire: towards a stylistic model of - download pdf or read online

By Paul Simpson

ISBN-10: 9027233330

ISBN-13: 9789027233332

This ebook advances a version for the research of up to date satirical humour. Combining a number of theoretical frameworks in stylistics, pragmatics and discourse research, Simpson examines either the equipment of textual composition and the ideas of interpretation for satire. Verbal irony is valuable to the version, in recognize of which Simpson isolates 3 primary "ironic levels" that form the uptake of satirical humour. through the e-book, constant emphasis is put on satire's prestige as a culturally positioned discursive perform, whereas the types of the version proposed are amply illustrated with textual examples. A awesome characteristic of the ebook is a bankruptcy at the felony implications of utilizing satirical humour as a weapon of assault within the public area. A e-book the place Jonathan rapid meets deepest Eye journal, this wonderful and thought-provoking examine will curiosity these operating in stylistics, humorology, pragmatics and discourse research. It additionally has relevance for forensic discourse research, and for media, literary and cultural reviews.

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However, further positions are possible even beyond those proposed by Sherzer. Here, for example, is a more problematic example provided by my four year old son. 0) is that ↑funny (laughter) Adapting the WH-interrogative joke bearing framework from his older sibling (see example (6) above), Danny sets up a pattern which both signals intentionality and functions disjunctively to “break frame”. Crucially, however, this tyro joke teller, in view of the psycholinguistic-developmental constraints noted above, has not yet mastered a control of ambiguity – to the effect that there is basically no discernible joke bearing pun element in the text.

Introduction In its broader design, this book is about the discourse of humour; in its narrower, it is about the stylistic and pragmatic characteristics of one particular type of verbal humour. The purpose of this chapter, then, is to attempt to locate the present study within a framework of verbal humour and, over its course, the chapter will review a number of the significant directions and developments in linguistic approaches to humour, synthesising work by stylisticians, applied linguists and discourse analysts.

Brown & Levinson 1987: 70), a “straight” reading also presents itself, such that the utterance can be interpreted (perhaps more irritatingly than amusingly) as an elicitation and not as a request for action. Consider, in this respect, the following exchange from the American television series Police Squad which works on the same principle: (15) Detective Drebben: (raising a cigarette packet towards a colleague) Cigarette? Colleague: Yes, I know it is. The humour mechanism here requires the bypassing of the conventional speech act status of the offer in favour of an alternative which is less viable in that interactive context.

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On the discourse of satire: towards a stylistic model of satirical humor by Paul Simpson

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