M. Emma Ticio's Locality Domains in the Spanish Determiner Phrase PDF

By M. Emma Ticio

ISBN-10: 9048133971

ISBN-13: 9789048133970

Examining its topic from a generative standpoint, this hugely distinct textual content offers with the syntax of nominal expressions. It makes a speciality of empirical facts taken from the Spanish language, notwithstanding the writer is going additional to attract conclusions of wider theoretical curiosity from fabric culled from different languages too.

The ebook considers an important phenomena within the nominal area, corresponding to extraction out of nominal words and ellipsis in those words, in addition to their amendment. In doing so it presents the reader with a unified rationalization of a couple of phenomena that experience now not formerly been analyzed lower than a unmarried easy account. particularly, Ticio explores how financial system notions have interaction with a few sensible different types, with the size and kind of activities allowed, and with the lifestyles of 3 inner domain names inside nominal expressions. She makes use of those observations to notify her research of the constitution of arguments and adjuncts in nominal expressions, and of the capability those components have for extraction. to check the empirical adequacy of her research, she employs phenomena corresponding to the houses of attributive adjectives, partial cliticization and nominal elision in Spanish nominal phrases.

Aimed at really expert linguists in addition to people with a specific curiosity in Spanish and Romance languages, the examine specified by this ebook contributes to the overall dialogue on linguistic idea by way of offering extra fabric appropriate to key ongoing debates within the concept of grammar, akin to the necessity to have a contrast among adjuncts and specifiers, and the inability of head move (N movement).

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Contrarily to what happens in some other languages, full (non-pronominal) nominal expressions modifiers cannot appear within another nominal (3) a. El alto chico/ el chico alto The tall boy / the boy tall b. Su chico/ El chico suyo his/her boy/ the boy of her/his c. El chico de Marı´ a The boy of Mary adjective genitive pronoun PP expression. It is impossible to say something like (4) with any linear word order. (4) *Marı´ a el chico/ *El chico Marı´ a/ *el Marı´ a chico ‘Mary’s boy’ In Spanish, all modifiers4 of the noun other than genitive pronouns must be expressed in a PP, which must appear postnominally.

Of whom (you)know several translations [of La Celestina]obj tag Hence, it seems that agents must occupy a syntactic position that interferes with the path of objects in their extraction out of nominal expressions. This position corresponds a priori to a specifier position, as shown in (27) above. 20 This is shown in the following examples: (29) a. ¿De que´ tema ´ tobj? has criticado una investigacion of what topic (you)have criticized a investigation por los americanos ? by the Americans ´ tobj b.

3 Structural Relations Within Nominal Constructions 47 adjunct PPs cannot be extracted in general, we expect the ungrammaticality of the examples in (40), since adjunct PPs cannot escape wh-islands either. (40) a. *¿De cua´ndo {no sabes/ te preguntas} quie´n leyo´ varias peliculas? of when {Neg (you)know/(you)wonder} who read several movies b. *¿Segu´n quie´n {no sabes/ te preguntas} quie´n escucho´ According-to whom {Neg (you)know/(you)wonder} who listened varios evangelios? several Gospels Crucially, there is a group of adjuncts (group A PPs) that patterns differently again.

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Locality Domains in the Spanish Determiner Phrase by M. Emma Ticio

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