Barbara Bregstein's Easy Spanish Step-by-Step PDF

By Barbara Bregstein

ISBN-10: 0071463380

ISBN-13: 9780071463386

A confirmed grammar-based technique that will get you speaking in Spanish with self assurance, correct away

Easy Spanish Step through Step proves strong grounding in grammar fundamentals is the most important to getting to know a moment language. Grammatical ideas and ideas are in actual fact defined so as of significance, and greater than three hundred verbs and key words are brought at the foundation of frequency. quite a few routines and fascinating readings aid novices speedy construct their Spanish conversing and comprehension prowess.

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Example text

The cats belong to the child. ) The car belongs to the friends. ) The contraction: de ϩ el (of ϩ the) ϭ del. There are only two contractions in the Spanish language; del is one of them. Use de (English of ) to express possession or ownership. When de (English of ) is followed by the masculine el (English the), the words contract to del, meaning of the. NOTE: P A Word About Possessives You can see that the translations above are not exact. There is no apostrophe in Spanish, so when you think of Peter’s car, for example, the Spanish structure is el carro de Pedro (the car of Peter).

1. ¿Dónde están los estudiantes los domingos? 2. El sábado y el domingo son días de fiesta. 3. En la primavera, hay flores bellas en los parques. 4. En el otoño, hay hojas amarillas y rojas en los árboles. 5. ¿Qué día es hoy? Hoy es miércoles. ¿Qué mes es? Es septiembre. 6. ¿Cuántos días hay en junio? ¿Cuántos días hay en un año? 7. Las calles de México son estrechas. Las casas son bajas y bonitas. 8. ¿Por qué están los periódicos y las revistas en el piso? Hay, Interrogative Words, Days, and Months 39 9.

The car belongs to the friends. ) The contraction: de ϩ el (of ϩ the) ϭ del. There are only two contractions in the Spanish language; del is one of them. Use de (English of ) to express possession or ownership. When de (English of ) is followed by the masculine el (English the), the words contract to del, meaning of the. NOTE: P A Word About Possessives You can see that the translations above are not exact. There is no apostrophe in Spanish, so when you think of Peter’s car, for example, the Spanish structure is el carro de Pedro (the car of Peter).

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Easy Spanish Step-by-Step by Barbara Bregstein

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