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By Steven Place

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In essence, it’s very hard to get practical, actionable information from "traditional" finance learning channels. This book will give you real-world applications about covered calls and related trade strategies, along with potential trade screeners and risk management techniques. That’s the extra edge you need, and the edge that this book gives you. To become a successful trader, it’s not about a high win rate or about hitting homeruns. It’s about consistency. Covered calls are a strategy to reduce risk, enhance returns, and give you an edge in the market.

KEY COVERED CALL METRICS. Let’s now talk about important numbers to consider when looking for potential trade candidates with covered calls. We will first cover the definitions, and then go directly into some examples. If you don't want to calculate these by hand, don't worry-- your options brokerage can calculate these for you, or you can use the Covered Call spreadsheet provided to you in the bonus section. ” It is the value of the position. If you buy 100 shares at $50, your basis is $50. 50.

A simple technical filter can be applied here: "200-Day Simple Moving Average -> Price above SMA200" This takes the list down to around 600, and will depend on how mature the market trend is. This is the baseline screener. Link to Your Finviz Baseline Screener Quick note: Some of these filters may need to be adapted depending on market conditions. For example, the 2008 market crash led to share price, trends, and market cap shrinking across many stocks, so reducing those to find candidates was a good idea back then.

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Covered Call Trading: Strategies for Enhanced Investing Profits by Steven Place

by John

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