Чертежи кораблей французского флота - COMMANDANT RIVIERE - download pdf or read online

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Civilisation" is a recent term in the French language. According to a remarkable study by Lucien Febvre that appeared in the publications of the Centre de Synthèse, it only occurs in print in 1766, and its invention can probably be attributed to Culture and Civilization 55 Baron d'Holbach. 3 At rnore or less the sarne date, the word Kultur appeared in the German language, and the English word "civilization" is found in I772 in a text attributed to Dr. Johnson. This sirnultaneous act of creation, in which it is very difficult to know what role was played by borrowing, rais es problems that cannot be dealt with in a few words.

When one thinks of the author of A Throw of the Dice, one says to oneself that the literary pride that is so characteristic of our spirit is a phenomenon of which we should not be ashamed, since there are in our literature a few texts that have aspired with some degree of success to take the place of universal creation. -May 26-27, 1941 We cannot be too grateful to Bernard Grasset. His efforts at familiarizing us with a great classical work that while not unknown was read by almost no one, have been remarkable.

In fact, it is crystaldear that dassical works only found themselves in harmony with an almost interminable timespan because they appeared to come from somewhere above and beyond their time, tearing through it and burning it up with an extreme concentration that ernbraced within itself the past, the present, and the fLlture. 44 The Search for Tradition To this, the reply from sorne quarters is that there are rIlany weaknesses in these novice works, and even an element of imitation in their experiments.

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Чертежи кораблей французского флота - COMMANDANT RIVIERE 1912

by Daniel

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