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By United States. Marine Corps

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Additional info for A brief history of the Marine Corps Base and Recruit Depot, Parris Island, South Carolina, 1891-1956

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195? 1956 1955 1957 24 ya!

BENGLEY. Jesle F. m(Act'g) JANEST. BIETRICK r s j . JesseF. a - i6AB- 11 Aus 1927 27 sep 1927 3 Jan 7929 10 AD! 1928 11 Apr 1928 - 15 oct 1928 16 A!! 7 6 Jul 1929 - 1il Ju1 1929 iftha;a P. r-qMs fiarold c. SNIDIR EFY N. Ii{ANNEY, J!. (Actts) Lvle 24 se! 1919 8 Aus 1924 3 ilay 29 seP 9 Aus 13 Als 12 AUA MAJ Lrcol 12 N@ 191! 2 May 1919 H. ,Ejl (ActIgJ D;uales C, l"1cDouGATr'1114sR. Acl@ (Actlg) h"1u R. JoIEs (aot 's) Jrcs C. BIC(nWIDoE. Loul! R. JONES( ActrA J ! a ! r y L . S galry 1,. sufiIl (Act'g) clavto!

1956 1955 1957 24 ya!

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A brief history of the Marine Corps Base and Recruit Depot, Parris Island, South Carolina, 1891-1956 by United States. Marine Corps

by Anthony

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