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By A. W. M. Vermetten, P. Hofschreuder, H. Harssema (auth.), H.-W. Georgii (eds.)

ISBN-10: 9400947364

ISBN-13: 9789400947368

ISBN-10: 9401086052

ISBN-13: 9789401086059

In November 1981 a primary symposium with the subjects of "Acid Deposition of Atmospheric toxins" was once organised in OberursellTaunus to introduce the issues and primary result of research-activities on rainy and dry deposition of toxins and on acid precipitation. meanwhile the threat to wooded area and crops grew to become extra dramatic and research-projects to enquire the enter of toxins to forest-ecosystems were initiated through a number of interdisciplinary teams. The quickly expanding curiosity within the difficulties of wooded area­ decay and the numerous open questions with appreciate to the prognosis of the forest-damage have been the historical past for the employer of a moment symposium which used to be held in November 1985 on the comparable position in Oberursel/Taunus. It used to be typically fascinated with new suggestions of sampling and studying pollution in wooded area components. along with deposition, one very important pathway of toxins in orographic terrain is the interception of fog-droplets by means of plants. targeted emphasis was once laid at the chemical composition of fog. The symposium effectively assembled scientists from the sphere of atmospheric examine with these learning the impact of toxins on timber and crops so that it will lessen the various open questions in reference to wooded area desease. The court cases provided during this quantity are a considerable contribution to the knowledge of deposition and interception of pollution in forest-areas. because of the authors the amount incorporates a lot of latest study ·results and offers for this reason a real photograph of our current knowledge.

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Two of these studies began in 1972 /3,22/. This paper will report on 3 projects which started more recently to contribute to the clarification of the interrelationships of precipitation input of dissolved inorganic substances and forest stress. -W. (j7. © 1986 by D. Reidel Publishing Company. 48 H. M. BRECHTEL ET AL. periods serves as a parameter for precipitation input. First, some results of a state-wide pilot study will demonstrate the magnitude of concentration and monthly deposition of different chemicals found in the open area bulk precipitation collected in horizontal gauges throughout the State of Hesse.

Hess. Landesanst. fur Umwelt (editor) (1985) Waldbilastungen durch ImmiS§ignen. 2. Zwischenbiricht, Wiesbaden, 72 p .. D. and Gravenhorst, G. (1981) Untersuchungen uber die Deposition atmospharischen Aerosols an Buchen- und Fichtenwald, Bericht im Auf trag des Umweltbundesamtes Forschungsprojekt 104 02 600, Eigenverl. des Universitatsinst. fUr Meteorologie und Geophysik, Frankfurt, 208p .. Keller, L. and Fluckinger, W. (1985) 'Immissionsokologische Untersuchungen an Dauerbeobachtungsflachen im Wald des Kantons Zurichl Schweiz - Erste Ergebnisse der Beobachtungsperiode 1984/1985', VDI-Berichte, 560, 253-289.

LB 11 12 1983 c) ~ ~ 2 3 r. · · · ground level ~ ~ ;-"1 ; ~ .. 111 ' 29 S02-CONCENTRATIONS, IMMISSION-RATES, AND BULK PRECIPITATION DATA FIGURE 4 * HLfU * WdI * Witzenhausen * 14 day means * * period: 1 Nov 1983 - 31 Mar 1985 * mg/1ll2ld 25B 225 200 175 15B 125 100 75 5B 25 a) 9Qz-i .. ission-rate ,.. 1lB ! ~ i .. l .. :. ':':'! •••••. ;...... 81 .. / open field B~O=~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~2~3~ 1985 The greater than normal amount of precipitation in summer 1984 results in summer maxima for N03-N and S04-S, Their input during periods of reduced precipitation amounts (here especially in Dec.

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Atmospheric Pollutants in Forest Areas: Their Deposition and Interception by A. W. M. Vermetten, P. Hofschreuder, H. Harssema (auth.), H.-W. Georgii (eds.)

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