Download e-book for kindle: Touching for Knowing: Cognitive Psychology of Haptic Manual by Yvette Hatwell, Arlette Streri, Edouard Gentaz (Editors)

By Yvette Hatwell, Arlette Streri, Edouard Gentaz (Editors)

ISBN-10: 1588114244

ISBN-13: 9781588114242

ISBN-10: 9027251851

ISBN-13: 9789027251855

The dominance of imaginative and prescient is so powerful in sighted people who contact is typically regarded as a minor perceptual modality. even if, contact is a strong device which contributes considerably to our wisdom on area and gadgets. Its in depth use by means of blind humans permits them to succeed in an analogous degrees of information and cognition as their sighted friends. during this e-book, really expert researchers current the hot country of information in regards to the cognitive functioning of contact. After an research of the neurophysiology and neuropsychology of contact, exploratory handbook behaviours, intramodal haptic (tactual-kinesthetic) skills and cross-modal visual-tactual coordination are tested in babies, childrens and adults, and in non-human primates. those reports trouble either sighted and blind individuals with the intention to understand even if early visible deprivation modifies the modes of processing house and items. The final part is dedicated to the technical units favouring the college and social integration of the younger blind: Braille interpreting, use of raised maps and drawings, "sensory substitution" monitors, and new applied sciences of conversation tailored for the blind.

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Extra info for Touching for Knowing: Cognitive Psychology of Haptic Manual Perception (Advances in Consciousness Research, 53)

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We have long known that cortical organization is characterized by great plasticity (for a review, cf. Buonomano & Merzenich 1998). Hebb (1949) had already proposed a form of plasticity in synaptic connections: “Neurons which discharge together will link together”. In addition, if the transmission of sensory information between one part of the body and its   Edouard Gentaz and Maryse Badan cortical representation is interrupted, the corresponding cortical zone does not remain inert, but reorganizes, letting itself be invaded by the adjacent cortical zone.

Dehaene 1997; Posner & Raichle 1998). We know that the neural mechanisms underlying cognitive and sensory-motor activities give rise to a continuous and considerable metabolic requirement. This demand for energy is principally met by the use of glucose. As the brain has very limited reserves, it is dependent on a continuous supply of oxygen and glucose, and the regional variations correspond fairly exactly to the actual metabolic needs. So, by measuring regional blood deficits or the cerebral consumption of oxygen and glucose, one can estimate the metabolic activity linked to the synaptic activity underlying cognitive and sensory-motor tasks.

Sensory control of dexterous manipulation in humans. In A. M. Wing, P. Haggard, & J. R. ), Hand and brain (pp. 381–414). San Diego, CA: Academic Press. Johnson, K. & Hsiao, S. (1992). Tactile form and texture perception. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 15, 227–250. , & Jessel, T. (2000). Principles of neural science. New York: MacGRawHill. Kaas, J. (1991). Plasticity of sensory and motor maps in adult mammals. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 14, 137–167. Kaas, J. (1995). The reorganization of sensory and motor maps in adults mammals.

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Touching for Knowing: Cognitive Psychology of Haptic Manual Perception (Advances in Consciousness Research, 53) by Yvette Hatwell, Arlette Streri, Edouard Gentaz (Editors)

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