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By Paulo Coelho

ISBN-10: 0557010071

ISBN-13: 9780557010073

“The manner of the Bow” relates the tale of Tetsuya, the simplest archer of the rustic, who conveys his teachings to a boy in his village. through the tale, a number of strategies are mirrored; our day-by-day efforts and paintings, the way to conquer problems, steadfastness, braveness to take dicy judgements, etc.
Paulo Coelho expressed in those few pages the various values which encourage our day-by-day paintings: innovation, flexibility, model to alterations, enthusiasm, group work.

“I wrote this article during which bow, arrow, goal and archer shape an essential component of an analogous procedure of development and challenge.” . — Paulo Coelho.

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38 HOW TO DRAW THE BOW STRING 39 The bow is a musical instrument, and its sound is made manifest in the string. The bow-string is a big thing, but the arrow touches only one point on it, and all the archer's knowledge and experience should be concentrated on that one small point. If he leans slightly to the right or to the left, if that point is above or below the line of fire, he will never hit the target. Therefore, when you draw the bow-string, be like a musician playing an instrument. In music, time is more important than space; a group of notes on a line means nothing, but the person who can read what is written there can transform that line into sounds and rhythms.

He went into the kitchen, made the tea, sat down with the boy and began his story.

31 32 HOW TO HOLD THE ARROW 33 To hold the arrow is to be in touch with your own intention. You must look along the whole length of the arrow, check that the feathers guiding its flight are well placed, and make sure that the point is sharp. Ensure that it is straight and that it has not been bent or damaged by a previous shot. In its simplicity and lightness, the arrow can appear fragile, but the strength of the archer means that it can carry the energy of his body and mind a long way. Legend has it that a single arrow once sank a ship, because the man who shot it knew where the wood was weakest and so made a hole that allowed the water to seep silently into the hold, thus putting paid to the threat of those wouldbe invaders of his village.

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The Way of the Bow by Paulo Coelho

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