The Royal Inscriptions of Tiglath-Pileser III (744-727 BC) - download pdf or read online

By Hayim Tadmor

ISBN-10: 1575062208

ISBN-13: 9781575062204

The Royal Inscriptions of Tiglath-pileser III (744 727 BC) and Shalmaneser V (726 722 BC), Kings of Assyria (Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian interval 1) contains on the place the Assyrian sessions sub-series of the Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia (RIM) undertaking ended. the amount presents trustworthy, updated variants of seventy-three royal inscriptions of Tiglath-pileser III and of his son and quick successor Shalmaneser V, 11 past due Neo-Assyrian inscriptions that could be attributed to 1 of these eighth-century rulers, and 8 texts commissioned through Assyrian queens and high-ranking officers. Following the fashion of the now-defunct RIM sequence, every one textual content version (with its English translation) is provided with a short creation containing normal info, a listing containing easy information regarding all exemplars, a observation containing extra technical info and notes, and a entire bibliography.

RINAP 1 additionally contains: (1) a common creation to the reigns of Tiglath-pileser III and Shalmaneser V, the corpus of inscriptions, prior stories, and relationship and chronology; (2) translations of the suitable passages of of Mesopotamian king lists and chronicles; (3) a number of images of items inscribed with texts of Tiglath-pileser III and Shalmaneser V; (4) indices of museum and excavation numbers and chosen guides; and (5) indices of right names (Personal Names; Geographic, Ethnic, and Tribal Names; Divine Names and different issues.

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Additional info for The Royal Inscriptions of Tiglath-Pileser III (744-727 BC) and Shalmaneser V (726-722 BC), Kings of Assyria

Example text

I 24–25 (The king stayed) in the land (Assyria). The king took the hands of the god B l (Marduk). Tiglath-pileser III dies in the month eb tu (X). For the apparent contradiction between the Eponym Chronicle and Babylonian Chronicle, see Brinkman, PKB p. 241 n. 1547. 14 Introduction Tiglath-pileser III’s Building Activities Limiting our scope to the evidence originating from the royal inscriptions edited in this volume, and excluding contemporary royal correspondence and later evidence, Tiglath-pileser III’s building activities were mostly concentrated at Kalu, where he built a palace towards the end of his reign.

Winckler, Keilinschriftliches Textbuch zum Alten Testament, 3rd edition. Leipzig, 1909 Die Welt des Orients. Wuppertal, Stuttgart, and Göttingen, 1947– Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft. Leipzig and Berlin, 1901– Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes. Vienna, 1887– Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie. Berlin, 1886– Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft. Berlin, 1881– Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft.

31 (C, 7) Text no. 32 (C, 8) Text no. 15 (B, 6) Text no. 32 (C, 8) Text no. 16 (B, 7) Text no. 17 (B, 8) (Lacuna) Text no. 20 (C, 9) Text no. 21 (C, 10) Text no. 22 (C, 11) (Lacuna) Text no. 25 (C, 12) (Lacuna) Palû/Contents Date (prologue) prologue prologue prologue 1 (1) 1 1–2 2 2 (2) 2–3 (4–6) 7 8 8 (8) 8 745 (745) 745 745–744 744 744 (744) 744–743 (742–740) 739 738 738 (738) 738 8 738 8–9 738–737 9 9 (10) 11 11 (12) 13 13 13 (14) 15 15 (16–17) (building account) 737 737 (736) 735 735 (734) 733 733 733 (732) 731 731 (730–729) Introduction 8 * Text no.

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The Royal Inscriptions of Tiglath-Pileser III (744-727 BC) and Shalmaneser V (726-722 BC), Kings of Assyria by Hayim Tadmor

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