Geert J.P. Savelsbergh's The Development of Coordination in Infancy PDF

By Geert J.P. Savelsbergh

ISBN-10: 0444893288

ISBN-13: 9780444893284

This quantity makes an attempt to assemble a set of present methods to, and similar empirical investigations on, the advance of coordination within the first years of existence. it will likely be of curiosity to scientists and scholars in, for instance, biology, human circulation sciences, kinesiology, psychology, pediatrics, body structure, actual schooling, actual treatment and robotics. members comprise people with tested reputations within the box, in addition to younger authors, who're starting to make their mark. Their efforts led to twenty chapters, of which seventeen have been invited. The chapters were divided into 4 sections. the 1st bankruptcy is meant to stipulate the constitution of the e-book.

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Extra info for The Development of Coordination in Infancy

Example text

Paris: Dunod. BOMet, C. Perception. In Grand Dfctlonnalre de la Psychologfe (pp. Paris: Laroussse, Development In hfmcy. San Francisco: Freeman. R. (1974). E. Object disappearance and error in Piaget's stage IV task. Journal of Experimental ChUci Psychology. 23,391401. Case, R. Intellectual deuelopment from birth to adulthood. New York: Academic Press. Claparede. E. (19331. La genese de l'hypothese. Archives de P~y~holqgie, 24, 1-155. , Litovsky. Y.. E. Object representation guides infants' reaching in the dark.

Attention and performance XI (pp. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Bonnet, C. La perception visuelle des formes. In C. Bonnet, R. F. ), Trait& de Psychologie Cognltlue, vol. I (pp. 1-82). Paris: Dunod. BOMet, C. Perception. In Grand Dfctlonnalre de la Psychologfe (pp. Paris: Laroussse, Development In hfmcy. San Francisco: Freeman. R. (1974). E. Object disappearance and error in Piaget's stage IV task. Journal of Experimental ChUci Psychology. 23,391401. Case, R. Intellectual deuelopment from birth to adulthood.

In his attempt to analyze intellectual activities, Richard (1991) starts from the opposition between abstract (or theoretical) and practical (or concrete) intelligence. For him the origin of such an opposition comes from psychometry. He considers it worthless in the information processing perspective. However, he uses oppositions reminiscent of those initially mentioned in this paper, like between symbolic and non symbolic information processing. He suggests to call intellectual acttuitks 'the activities which bring into play inferences based upon explicitable knowledge.

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