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By Aviv Hassid, Michael Dunn (auth.), Michael J. Dunn M.D., Carlo Patrono M.D., Giulio A. Cinotti M.D. (eds.)

ISBN-10: 1468442775

ISBN-13: 9781468442779

ISBN-10: 1468442791

ISBN-13: 9781468442793

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21 The physiological function of PGI2 synthesized by the medullary PGlrforming cells is unknown. It is worth noting, however, that these cells occur in close proximity to elements of the medullary vasculature and could play a role in modulating blood flow within or to the medulla. If this is true and PGI2 synthesis by these cells is decreased by treatment with PGH synthase inhibitors, then renal blood flow to the papillae would 34 William L. Smith et af. Figure 6 . Fluorescence photomicrographs of sections of rabbit renal medulla stained using (A) control mouse monoclonal antibody,(B) anti-PGH synthase mouse monoclonal antibody, or(C) anti-PGh synthase mouse monoclonal antibody and then fluorescein isothiocyanate- (FITC) labeled rabbit anti-mouse IgG ( x 125).

Zusman RM, Keiser HR: Prostaglandin biosynthesis by rabbit renomedullary interstitial cells in tissue culture: Stimulation by angiotensin II, bradykinin, and arginine vasopressin. J Clin Invest 60:215-223, 1977. 4. Zusman RM, Keiser HR: PrOJitaglandin E2 biosynthesis by rabbit renomedullary intrestitial cells in tissue culture: Mechanism of stimulation by angiotensin II, bradykinin, and anginine vasopressin. J Bioi Chem 252:2069-2071, 1977. 5. Zusman RM, Brown CA: Role of phospholipase in the regulation of prostaglandin E2 biosynthesis by rabbit renomedullary interstitial cells in tissue: Effects of angiotensin n, potassium, hyperosmolality, dexamethasone and protein synthesis inhibition.

26518), and was Zusman's tenure as an Established Investigator of the American Heart Association. REFERENCES I. Bojesen IN: Fatty acid composition and depot function of lipid droplet triacylglycerols in renomedullary interstitial cells, in Mandai AK; Bohman SO (eds): The Renal Papilla and Hypertension. New York, Plenum Medical Book Company, 1980, pp 121-149. 2. Muirhead EE, Germain G, Leach BE, et al: Production of renomedullary prostaglandins by renomedullary interstitial cells in tissue culture.

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Prostaglandins and the Kidney: Biochemistry, Physiology, Pharmacology, and Clinical Applications by Aviv Hassid, Michael Dunn (auth.), Michael J. Dunn M.D., Carlo Patrono M.D., Giulio A. Cinotti M.D. (eds.)

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