Photo-Electronic Image Devices, Proceedings of the Eight - download pdf or read online

By Peter W. Hawkes and B.L. Morgan (Eds.)

ISBN-10: 0120147246

ISBN-13: 9780120147243

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KOSHIDA E r A L . 338 improvement of the EDOE was apparent in the internal output electrode. A further serious problem in this case was that a broad subpeak appeared in the EDOE curve, the position of the subpeak and its relative strength both depending on the operating conditions of the CEM. These characteristics are caused by the abrupt change in the channel wall potential near the electrode. In the case of the external output electrode, by contrast, the reduction in gain was much less and no subpeak was observed.

10. Lowrance, J. L. and Carruthers, G. R.. Proc. E. 279, 123 (1981). 11. Carruthers, G. R. and Opal, C. , AIAA Paper 83-106 (1983). 12. , Zucchino, P. , Proc. E. 331, 151 (1982). ADVANCES IN ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRON PHYSICS,VOL. 648 High-Resolution and Large Size Wafer Microchannel Image Intensifier B. JEAN,t J. P. BOUTOT,t V. DUCHENOIS, and R. POLAERT Laboratoires d’Electronique et de Physique Appliqude, Limed Brdvannes. France INTRODUCTION Owing to their high luminous gain and spatial resolution, microchannel plate (MCP) image intensifier tubes (IIT) are widely used in night vision equipment.

Appl. Opr. 21,4206 (1982). 7. Timothy, 3. , Rev. Sci. Insfrum. 52, 1131 (1981). 8. Timothy, J. G. and Bybee, R. , Proc. E. 279, 129 (1981). 9. Lowrance, J. , Renda, G. , I n “Adv. E. E. ,” Vol. 52, p. 441 (1979). 10. Lowrance, J. L. and Carruthers, G. R.. Proc. E. 279, 123 (1981). 11. Carruthers, G. R. and Opal, C. , AIAA Paper 83-106 (1983). 12. , Zucchino, P. , Proc. E. 331, 151 (1982). ADVANCES IN ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRON PHYSICS,VOL. 648 High-Resolution and Large Size Wafer Microchannel Image Intensifier B.

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Photo-Electronic Image Devices, Proceedings of the Eight Symposium by Peter W. Hawkes and B.L. Morgan (Eds.)

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