Download PDF by Quino: Mafalda 7 (Spanish Edition)

By Quino

ISBN-10: 9505156073

ISBN-13: 9789505156078

Este es el n??mero 7 de una serie de libros cuya protagonista es Mafalda, el c?©lebre personaje de Quino. Estas tiras c??micas fueron publicadas en diarios de Buenos Aires, C??rdoba, Tucum??n, Santa F?© y Montevideo. Mafalda naci?? en 1963 como soporte de una campa?±a publicitaria, que rechaz?? el cliente y Quino conserv??. Al a?±o siguiente comienza a colaborar con diarios e inserta las tiras de Mafalda. Se inicia todo el proceso creativo de este popular?­simo personaje. En 1968 Mafalda llega a Europa. Desde l. a. Guerra de Vietnam y l. a. carrera espacial hasta el movimiento tercermundista y los derechos humanos, el mundo entero se simboliza en un globo terr??queo que los angeles protagonista cuida, igual que a un enfermo: lo acuesta en l. a. cama, lo abriga y hasta intenta mejorarlo con las cremas de belleza de su madre. Con Mafalda l. a. infancia perdi?? su inocencia, mientras el g?©nero de l. a. historieta pas?? de lo social a lo psicol??gico. En 1973, Quino toma l. a. decisi??n m??s desconcertante para muchos: no dibujar m??s tiras de Mafalda. Desde entonces dibuja en significativas y determinadas ocasiones. Sin embargo, Mafalda est?? m??s viva que nunca. Reaparece siempre fresca y renovada en sus nuevos libros y peri??dicos. Hace cine y televisi??n. Viaja en los angeles imaginaci??n colectiva de infinidad de naciones que son muy diferentes entre ellas culturalmente. Y llega a los lugares m??s insospechados, volvi?©ndose generic a generaciones que no tienen nada que ver con l. a. que vio nacer a Mafalda.

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Sample text

The cowboys’ room at the Grand looked right on to the Earp quarters at the Cosmopolitan. Soon the Earps got a visit from Jack Altman, a clerk at the Grand, who warned them that various leaders among the cowboys such as Johnny Ringo, Curley Bill, Ike Clanton, and Pony Diehl had a room and were waiting for the right moment to strike. On December 28, that moment came. At around 11:30pm, Virgil Earp stepped out of the Oriental Saloon to head back to his room. A moment later, three double-barreled shotguns fired on him from an unfinished building about 60ft away.

Doc Holliday’s girlfriend, Big-Nose Kate, got angry with him and in a drunken rage accused him of being party to the holdup and murders. Behan gleefully arrested Holliday. The court found no evidence to support Kate’s claims, nor could she provide any, so it threw out the case. That did not stop tongues from wagging. The story grew to encompass the Earp brothers as suspects too. In her memoirs, even Virgil’s wife Allie said she felt certain the Earps and Holliday were in on the stagecoach robberies.

George Parsons wrote in his diary: This killing business by the Mexicans, in my mind, was perfectly justifiable as it was in retaliation for killing of several of them and their robbery by cow-boys recently this same Crane being one of the number. Am glad they killed him, as for the others – if not guilty of cattle stealing – they had no business to be found in such bad company. There were rumors that there had been other gunfights. The English newspaper Graphic Illustrated reported in its November 26, 1881 issue that Curley Bill … and another named M’Allister went into Mexico, and actually drove out three hundred head of cattle.

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Mafalda 7 (Spanish Edition) by Quino

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