Download e-book for kindle: Language, Frogs and Savants: More Linguistic Problems, by Neil Smith

By Neil Smith

ISBN-10: 1405150181

ISBN-13: 9781405150187

Publish yr note: First released in 2005

With issues starting from language demise to signal language, Language, Frogs and Savants deals a glimpse into the attention-grabbing global of linguistics.

Written by way of probably the most senior figures in linguistics. gains interesting subject matters starting from language dying to signal language. comprises an creation to the present imaginative and prescient of linguistics such a lot heavily linked to Noam Chomsky.

Contains a thesaurus of all technical phrases and interpretations.

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Example text

For Aristotle, all motion fell within the ambit of his theory of movement, even the movement of flowers growing. Galileo was able to provide a unified account of terrestrial and heavenly motion by restricting attention to mechanical motion and excluding biological growth. This should not be viewed as a retreat to a position where whatever you say turns out to be true, simply because you have excluded those areas where what you say is false. Rather it is an attempt to define an area where we can begin to understand the complexity of the real world by focusing on phenomena which are comprehensible.

Stephen is autistic and cannot look after himself, but he can draw like an angel, producing work comparable in standard to that of the best professionals. Kate has cerebral palsy and Asperger’s syndrome, she does not make eye contact, and she has obsessional fixations, yet she is a gifted poet. Michael has minimal command of language and lives in a sheltered community, but he can reduce six-digit numbers to their prime factors in a few seconds. Christopher cannot devise a non-losing strategy for noughts and crosses (tick-tack-toe), but he can read, write, understand and translate over twenty languages.

This is shown in (49a), with a range of putative translations in (49b – d). Crucially, as indicated by #, (49d) is not a possible interpretation of the Cantonese sentence. 49a. b. c. d. zukkau-le1, Billy tai t zaa3 Football, only Billy watches Football, Billy only watches #Only football does Billy watch Why this should be so is indicated in the tree in (50), where zukkau is not c-commanded by zaa3 (the ‘t’, for ‘trace’, in (49a) and (50) indicates where the topicalized constituent zukkau moved from): 50.

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Language, Frogs and Savants: More Linguistic Problems, Puzzles and Polemics by Neil Smith

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