Download e-book for iPad: John, the son of Zebedee: the life of a legend by R. Alan Culpepper

By R. Alan Culpepper

ISBN-10: 0872499626

ISBN-13: 9780872499621

Starting with New testomony descriptions of John as fisherman, and increasing during the most up-to-date Johannine scholarship, Alan Culpepper gathers tales from church fathers, the apocryphal acts of John, medieval assets, Victorian poets, and 19th- and twentieth-century historians of earliest Christianity to discover the lifestyles, exploits and the demise of this most vital apostle. The ensuing photo of John is among the most vital and entire, and is an engaging account of the advance of the Johannine legend, a minimum of the historic tradition.>

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13:4748). The rabbis debated whether it was permissible to sell unclean species, but some of the more tolerant teachers did permit the practice: "If hunters of wild animals, birds and fishes chanced upon species that are unclean, they may sell them. R. Judah says: Also if a man came upon such by accident he may buy or sell them provided that this is not his trade. 19 Similarly, there were laws pertaining to fish caught on the Sabbath: If traps for wild animals, birds or fish were set on the eve of a Festival-day, what are caught may not be taken out on the Festival-day unless it is known that they were caught during the eve of the Festival-day.

Accounts of the appearances of the risen Lord relate that he ate broiled fish in Jerusalem (Luke 24:42) and fresh fish with the disciples in Galilee (John 21:9, 14). Galilee was the food basket of Palestine. Galilean farmers produced grain in the fertile soil of the plain of Gennesaret, and Galilean fishermen harvested fish from the lake. 10 The importance of the fishing industry is evidenced by some of the names around the Sea of Galilee. " Magdala, the home of Mary Magdalene, was located on the western shore, north of Tiberias.

The authoritative legend thereby achieves a degree of permanence, though embellishment and fabrication continue. This book is concerned with both the life of the apostle John and the life of the legend that formed around him. Assuming that the historical data regarding John has come through some such process, what do we actually know about the apostle, and how did the legend develop? These questions will lead us on an intriguing odyssey in the chapters that follow. Our aim is to collect as many of the legends about John as possible.

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John, the son of Zebedee: the life of a legend by R. Alan Culpepper

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