Islam in the Era of Globalization: Muslim Attitudes towards by Johan Meuleman PDF

By Johan Meuleman

ISBN-10: 0203988868

ISBN-13: 9780203988862

ISBN-10: 0700716912

ISBN-13: 9780700716913

Globalization, modernity and id are basic matters in modern Islam and Islamic reviews. This choice of essays displays the broad variety that characterises modern Islamic reviews. The case experiences disguise areas stretching from China and Southeast Asia to diaspora groups within the Caribbean and Tajikistan. there's major participation of highbrow voices from all components involved, supplying a true contribution to the tutorial trade among the Muslim and the Euro-American worlds.

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Sample text

12 The DDII aversion to the renewal group was once again expressed in 1993. This time it was triggered off by Nurcholish Madjid’s public lecture entitled Penyegaran Paham Keagamaan di Kalangan Generasi Muda Mendatang (Refreshing the Religious Belief of the Future Young Generation). In this lecture Nurcholish proposed, among other idesa, a new meaning of “islam” (with undercase i), not only as the religion preached by the 7 See Muzani, “Mu’tazilah Theology”. Cf. Barton, “Neo-Modernism”, 13–24. 9 After the street in which their headquarters are located.

The IMF-sponsored economic policy that is meant to help the country overcome the present crisis has only reinforced this tendency. This is not to say that among all circles of Indonesian people there is agreement with this open attitude, but this has been the dominant trend, however, also in Muslim circles. Looking at the many Indonesian publications which discuss various aspects of the globalization process, most are very general and superficial. Among them figure a number of studies by research offices of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Religious Affairs.

One of the leading Shi’ite institutions in Jakarta is the Muntadzar Foundation which was established in 1991. Like the Jawad Foundation in Bandung, the Muntadzar Foundation was established by some Shi’ites. Therefore, the initial programme of the foundation was the study of the “madhhab [fiqh school] school] of the ahl al-bayt [lit. e. Islamic jurisprudence in the Shi’ite tradition. Now the Muntadzar Foundation claims to have at least 400 members from all over Jakarta. Its activities are not confined to studying Shi’ite fiqh, but also include education at the kindergarten, primary school, and junior and senior high school level.

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Islam in the Era of Globalization: Muslim Attitudes towards Modernity and Identity (RoutledgeCurzon Studies in Asian Religions) by Johan Meuleman

by James

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