Download e-book for kindle: Hegel's Theory of the Modern State by Shlomo Avineri

By Shlomo Avineri

ISBN-10: 0521098327

ISBN-13: 9780521098328

This examine in English of Hegel's political philosophy provides an total view of the advance of Hegel's political pondering. the writer has drawn on Hegel's philosophical works, his political tracts and his own correspondence. Professor Avineri indicates that even if Hegel is basically regarded as a thinker of the kingdom, he used to be a lot keen on social difficulties and his inspiration of the nation needs to be understood during this context.

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109-16; cf. Herbert Marcuse, Reason and Revolution, new ed. (Boston, 1960), pp. 17780, 409-19. 35 The modernization of Germany his initial purpose, he did not call for any attempt to create a unified political state in Germany. For a nationalist, this would be nonsensical behaviour; for one looking for the modernization of the political system in Germany, the radical transformation of the struc­ ture of the German states during 1806-15 meant the realization of what Hegel had been pleading for in his 1802 essay.

I Chapter Three THE M ODE RNIZATION O F G E R M ANY In 1893 Georg Mollat published a manuscript by Hegel which dealt with political conditions in Germany. The original manuscript had no title, but following a remark by Hegel's disciple and first bio­ grapher, Karl Rosenkranz, Mollat entitled it Kritik der Verfossung Deutschlands. S Rosenkranz later accepted that the essay was written in 1801-2 and thus could not be attributed to the traumatic impact of the Battle of Jena;' but the circumstances of Mollat's publication of the essay, as well as his introduction to it, helped to sustain the image that the pamphlet expressed Hegel's concern for the unification of Germany.

98-9; see also Nohl, Hegels theologische lugendschriften, p. 45: 21 Ibid. pp. 167-81; cf. p. 75, 'Jesus was a Jew; the principle of his faith and his 20 Ibid. ' In 'The Spirit of Christianity and Its Fate', on the other hand, Jesus no longer appears as a possible restorator of original Judaism, but as turning his back totally on the Jewish tradition and introducing the principle of subjectivity which Hegel here characterizes as ' totally foreign' to the Jews (ibid. pp. 205, 209). 22 Ibid. p. 144.

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Hegel's Theory of the Modern State by Shlomo Avineri

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