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By William W. Connors

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Leo XIII, Pope (b. 1810): Born Gioacchino Vincenzo Pecci, Leo XI11 became the leader of the Catholic Church in 1878. He grew up in Carpineto, Italy without knowing want, but after his ordination (1837), this changed. As a member of the church’s administrative service, he was appointed governor of Benevento ( 1838), governor of Perugia ( 1841), and nuncio to Brussels (1843). As a result of these duties and the numerous diplomatic missions that he undertook throughout Europe, he became aware of the lower class and the suffering that such people often endured.

Mesmer, Professor Anna (b. 1865):There can be no doubt that Professor Mesmer is the world’s greatest authority on the powers of the mind. While many have accused her of falsifying test results, no one has ever proven her to be dishonest. Mesmer was born in Austria, where she has lived nearly her entire life. In 1887, she graduated from Vienna’s prestigious Langmann University of Physiology and Psychology, taking top honors in her class. Shortly afterward, she moved to Switzerland, purchased a large estate some 20 miles south of Berne, and opened a private research center.

A veteran of the Civil War, Bierce fought for the Union both at Shiloh and Chickamauga and was wounded during the battle of Kennesaw Mountain. Several of his stories, including the popular An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge and Chickarnauga were based on his life in the army. After the war, he headed west and became a regular contributor to the San Francisco News Letter, and later became its editor. In 1871, he married Mary Ellen Day and subsequently traveled to England where he published The Fiend’s Delight, Dust Panned Out in California,and Cobwebs from an Empty Skull.

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Gothic Earth Gazeteer by William W. Connors

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