Given Giving: Selected Poems of Michel Deguy - download pdf or read online

By Michel Deguy, Clayton Eshelman, Kenneth Koch

ISBN-10: 0520064585

ISBN-13: 9780520064584

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A sign of more in not mentioned. A piece of coffee is not a detainer. The resemblance to yellow is dirtier and distincter. [. ] The sight of a reason, the same sight slighter, the sight of a simple negative answer, the same sore sounder, the intention to wishing, the same splendor, the same furniture” (1967f, 163). Bypassing logical conjunctions and well-articulated subordinations, Stein’s sentences are shirred together by chance and ambiguity. In combining nouns with unexpected predicates, Stein creates a new horizon of meaning-making, one not entirely coherent but certainly fertile with possibility and sensuality.

As a result, knowledge must be repeated, tested, so that what is known is not resemblance or relational. Continuity can never be assumed because “most things have not, have not anything to do with anything” (Stein, 1995, 126). The Geographical History of America is perhaps Stein’s strongest refutation of the exigencies of order, unity, logicality, and retroactive causal explanations. “Not solve it but be in it,” she proclaims, denying time the power to order and explain existence, rejecting not only how language works but also how we represent the subject (in and through time).

Be said on. Somehow on. Till nohow on. / Say for be said. Missaid. / Say a body. Where none. No mind. [. ] Same stoop for all. Same vasts apart. Such last state. Latest state. Till somehow less in vain. Worse in vain. All gnawing to be naught. Never to be naught. (1989, 101, 127). Beckett’s speaker tests the implication of verb variations, directing himself to “[s]ay on” and to think in other tenses in order to put into question the way to say or to think with every re-saying. As Deleuze theorizes, stuttering language is not an external application but a mode of doing (1997, 112).

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Given Giving: Selected Poems of Michel Deguy by Michel Deguy, Clayton Eshelman, Kenneth Koch

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