By Jean-Paul Vinay, Jean Darbelnet, Juan C. Sager, Marie-Josée Hamel
ISBN-10: 902721610X
ISBN-13: 9789027216106
ISBN-10: 9027216118
ISBN-13: 9789027216113
The Stylistique comparée du français et de l’anglais has develop into a typical textual content within the French-speaking global for the learn of comparative stylistics and the learning of translators. This up-to-date, first English version makes Vinay & Darbelnet's vintage technique of translation on hand to a much wider readership. The translation-oriented contrastive grammatical and stylistic analyses of the 2 languages are widely exemplified through expressions, words and texts. Combining description with methodological guidance for translation, this quantity serves either as a path booklet and via its distinctive index and thesaurus as a reference handbook for particular translation difficulties.
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Extra info for Comparative Stylistics of French and English: A methodology for translation
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We adopt here Saussure’s terminology in Bally’s (1951) interpretation, but with two new distinctions: that between (i) accepted usage and vernacular, and (ii) aesthetic and functional, hence utilitarian concerns. 18 Chapter 1: Introduction The system of tonality is one of oppositions. A certain term is administrative in tone because, by an association of memory, we can oppose it to a general language term indicating the same thing, for example: ‘deceased/dead’; it presupposes an option and consequently the existence of stylistic variants.
2 - Basic Concepts 13 ‘couteau de table : table knife’. But the signified of two signifiers, though normally considered interchangeable, may not coincide completely. This is the case with ‘bread’ and ‘pain’. English bread has neither the same appearance nor the same importance as food as French bread. Translators must take careful note of the purely formal aspects of signs; for example the difference between ‘booksellers’ and ‘bookseller’s’, ‘it please’ and ‘it pleases’, ‘j’en doute’ and ‘je m’en doute’; but we restate here that such previous knowledge is taken for granted in this book.
We adopt here Saussure’s terminology in Bally’s (1951) interpretation, but with two new distinctions: that between (i) accepted usage and vernacular, and (ii) aesthetic and functional, hence utilitarian concerns. 18 Chapter 1: Introduction The system of tonality is one of oppositions. A certain term is administrative in tone because, by an association of memory, we can oppose it to a general language term indicating the same thing, for example: ‘deceased/dead’; it presupposes an option and consequently the existence of stylistic variants.
Comparative Stylistics of French and English: A methodology for translation by Jean-Paul Vinay, Jean Darbelnet, Juan C. Sager, Marie-Josée Hamel
by Charles