Download e-book for iPad: Clinical Management of Melanoma by Hilliard F. Seigler (auth.), H. F. Seigler (eds.)

By Hilliard F. Seigler (auth.), H. F. Seigler (eds.)

ISBN-10: 9024722721

ISBN-13: 9789024722723

ISBN-10: 9024723388

ISBN-13: 9789024723386

ISBN-10: 9024723582

ISBN-13: 9789024723584

ISBN-10: 9024724244

ISBN-13: 9789024724246

ISBN-10: 9400974930

ISBN-13: 9789400974937

ISBN-10: 9400974957

ISBN-13: 9789400974951

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Just as Smith and Stehlin's eight patients provided support for the regression hypothesis, the 31, for whom their scrutiny failed to uncover pigmented skin lesions, leave open the issue of tumor origin. Finally, the most general starting assumption is that both mechanisms may work, and until there exists evidence that one is unlikely the safest assumption is the most general. All these arguments are of lesser importance, since they affect only how we conceptualize melanoma. The important and established fact about occult melanoma is that some of these patients who have melanoma in regional lymph nodes will achieve a long survival after lymph node resection.

Electron 35 microscopy of at least one case has demonstrated dense core granules in the central cells and premelanosomes and melanosomes in the peripheral cells [66]. Melanoma of unknown primary site In clinical practice and in reported series of melanoma patients, there are some who have metastatic melanoma without an obvious primary site [7478]. The prevalence of these is 4 % among all melanoma patients, and they fall into two roughly equally numbered categories: those with tumors in a single regional lymph node group, and those who have either regional lymph nodes and regional cutaneous and subcutaneous tumor nodules or who have distant or disseminated tumor.

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Clinical Management of Melanoma by Hilliard F. Seigler (auth.), H. F. Seigler (eds.)

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