New PDF release: η γελοιογραφία στην ευρώπη των 27 cartoons from the 27

By Συλλογικό έργο

ISBN-10: 9605601001

ISBN-13: 9789605601003

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Extra info for η γελοιογραφία στην ευρώπη των 27 cartoons from the 27 countries of the european union

Example text

They forced me, a cartoonist, to weave baskets and embroider silk thread apples on cardboard. Just to bend my spirit. I said nothing. I was condemned to a twelve-year education. They gave me an extra year for not cooperating. I escaped before completing my sentence. After that, it all went downhill. I wandered from the underground joints of the Left to the dives of Fine Arts School. I learned about movies in the movies, about theatres in the theatre, about music at night and about images in the streets.

52 THE 7... 2008 - INSECU... 2007 - HIGH PRICES / ENVIRONMENT 2006 - UNEMPLOYMENT Petros Zervos Born in 1958, in Athens, he has a degree in architecture from the Athens National Technical University. He has illustrated a comic book (Blondes Have Fun, written by Sotiris Kakisis, 1991) and has published two collections of cartoons (Strokes, 2003, and Athens 200tessera, 2004). Since 2000 he contributes on a regular basis to the magazine 9. His work is published in the magazines Galera, 4Trochoi, and Diphono.

The Right, the authorities, these did not belong to our society; they were the foreign, the Other. I was sentenced even while in kindergarten. They forced me, a cartoonist, to weave baskets and embroider silk thread apples on cardboard. Just to bend my spirit. I said nothing. I was condemned to a twelve-year education. They gave me an extra year for not cooperating. I escaped before completing my sentence. After that, it all went downhill. I wandered from the underground joints of the Left to the dives of Fine Arts School.

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η γελοιογραφία στην ευρώπη των 27 cartoons from the 27 countries of the european union by Συλλογικό έργο

by Edward

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