The Woman's Around the House Guide to Masturbation by Tina Hess PDF

By Tina Hess

ISBN-10: 1588733165

ISBN-13: 9781588733160

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They're a little smaller than a hand-held vac, the suction isn't nearly as hard, but the pleasure can be just as sweet. Tina Hess Woman's Around-the-House Guide 35 PILLOWS Men aren't the only ones that can use pillows to masturbate. For women, anything rubbing against the vulva is going to be arousing. When it's the soft feel of a pillow, you'll really love it. You can pile pillows on the floor or the bed. Climb on top of them, using a headboard or another piece of furniture to hold onto as you rub against them.

I had never, I emphasize never, posed nude on camera for anyone. Just the fear that someone would see it that wasn't meant to had always been enough reason for me to do it. "I want you to masturbate too," he added. His name was Chuck. We had been dating for six months. Up until that time, our sex life was pretty routine. Three times a week and he spent the night with me on two of those nights. I wasn't sure if we were in a relationship or just fucking, but it didn't matter. He was amazing. Maybe that's why his request shocked me.

The thought stoked me. At that minute, I felt his tongue flutter against me. Soft shudders rippled through my body and Tina Hess Woman's Around-the-House Guide 57 escaped in my moans as his mouth covered me to swallow up the flow of silk spilling from my core. I inhaled the night air, my body starting to calm from the soothing release. My fingers rested in the wetness pooling between my legs. It was a start, but I needed more. I needed my fantasy man inside me. I wanted to feel every inch of him, but I was alone except for the flashlight.

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