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By Nic Fields, Peter Dennis

ISBN-10: 1846031982

ISBN-13: 9781846031984

Osprey citadel seventy one - The partitions of Rome КНИГИ ;ВОЕННАЯ ИСТОРИЯ Osprey citadel seventy one - The partitions of RomeThis publication offers an in depth exam of the layout, improvement and building of the defences of old Rome, with a specific specialize in the Aurelian Wall – arguably the easiest preserved of all urban partitions within the Roman empire. издательство: Osprey Publishing Ltd. 2008; Тип: pdf Формат: rarРазмер: 28 MbКол-во страниц: sixty four (pages)скачать -http://10manhobby./6805088Зеркало на файл: (Mirror)скачать - http://.com/files/5719253 eighty five

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The ceremonial character of the Honorian treatment of the gateways was further emphasized, in some cases at least, by the handsome inscriptions on their new stone-faced curtains. 1189), from Porta Praenestina-Labicana, survives in part and has been reconstructed at the site of the gateway (Todd 1978: 61,63-64). The Belisarian alterations Behind its massive city walls, Rome remained a vigorous and lively place. There has been a tendency to assume that after Alaric's success the urbs aeterna was semi-ruinous, drear and beggarly.

Paradoxically, the emperor's attempt to bring back Roman rule to Rome did more damage than the barbarian visitations the city had endured so far. The heavy reliance on the strategy of blockade meant that some sieges were protracted and Rome, as we have seen, twice underwent lengthy investments of a year's duration in the space of a decade. Behind the city walls the population had already shrunk from around 800,000 in Maxentius's time to perhaps 80,000 under the Ostrogothic kings, most of them concentrated in the west of the city near the bend of the Tiber, from the foot of the Palatine and the Capitol down to the river and on the west bank in the Janiculum quarter.

The artillery system had a limited range in the area directly in front of the wall itself, thus providing effective deterrence rather than meaningful defence. Nor was it possible to defend much more than a single sector of the circuit at anyone time in this fashion. The junction of Aurelian's wall with the north-west angle of (astra Praetoria, looking west-south-west in Viale del Policlinico towards Porta Nomentana. This was one of the weak points in the enceinte. (Author's collection) 37 Ii The structural development of Porta Appia 2 3 38 4 THE STRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT OF PORTA APPIA 1.

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The Walls of Rome by Nic Fields, Peter Dennis

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