Download PDF by Jason C Myers: The Politics of Equality : an Introduction

By Jason C Myers

ISBN-10: 1848138458

ISBN-13: 9781848138452

Within the Politics of Equality, Jason C. Myers presents a readable, modern advent to egalitarian political philosophy. targeting rules and values instead of at the upward push and fall of events and hobbies, the booklet deals an important insights right into a important culture of political suggestion and the way it truly is key to our figuring out of latest debates, from nationwide healthcare and retirement pensions to the position of presidency in responding to fiscal drawback. this can be crucial interpreting for someone drawn to developing a extra simply society. learn more... concerning the writer; checklist of figures; Acknowledgments; creation; ONE -- old materialism; -- equivalent freedom; 3 -- financial system and society; 4 -- Democracy; 5 -- Internationalism; SIX -- The privation country; end; Notes; Bibliography; Index

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This, for the liberal, is paradise: the private island on which the law can never be anything more than the individual owner-ruler’s whim. In political terms, providing individuals with negative freedom means, very simply, staying out of their way. It is sometimes said that Equal freedom | 41 for liberal political thought, the best form of government is one with limited power, but this is incorrect. The liberal state needs abundant power to protect individual claims to private property from those who might attempt to violate them.

51 Each individual’s ability opens avenues of possibility for all the rest. This, then, is the reason for social egalitarianism’s stress not only on freedom, but on equal freedom.

13 What follows is a traveler’s account of the island nation of Utopia, whose citizens have effectively abolished private property. 14 On Utopia ‘Everyone gets a fair share, so there are never any poor men or beggars. ’15 The fictional context in which the narrative is set and the deliberate distance placed between author and imagined narrator leave some room for doubt as to More’s own position regarding material equality. Fewer questions of this sort surround Gerrard Winstanley and the Diggers, who occupied and cultivated rural waste grounds, building four small communes between 1649 and 1651.

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The Politics of Equality : an Introduction by Jason C Myers

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