The Laughter of Adam and Eve - download pdf or read online

By Jason Sommer

ISBN-10: 0809332787

ISBN-13: 9780809332786

Near the start, simply after the autumn, used to be laughter—at least as Jason Sommer imagines it. within the identify poem, Eve catches Adam’s hilarity over what passes for a tree outdoor of Eden, their laughter a heady blend of longing, defiance, and even perhaps reduction, wherein they locate they now own “a wisdom of evil that's good,” an knowing that might hold them via existence after paradise. via settings legendary, old and biblical, via characters that diversity from Gunga Din to St. Kevin of Glendalough, the poems during this publication usually seek out which means within the tracing of origins: of a bird’s tune, of laughter, of a observe, of language itself.  Poems discover the resource of the observe brouhaha, the tune of the “resignation bird,” and the harmful approach a poem of Anna Akhmatova enters the area, below the eyes and ears of Stalin’s mystery police, escaping the home arrest its writer needs to endure.

In The Laughter of Adam and Eve, Sommer speaks from a mess of voices and views, in brief, formal lyrics in addition to longer free-verse narratives. From the archetypal mom and dad people all, down via nameless voices, all through those pages, men and women converse to—and of—each different, in lots of roles and relations—as lover and loved, as baby and father or mother, as dreamer and dreamt of. The poems try and trip past the normal binary looking for the typical thread that binds us to each other. probably leader between them is tale: no matter if recasting fantasy in order that Pygmalion and Narcissus develop into a unmarried determine or utilizing an Appalachian story retold as a message, lover to lover, those poems narrate, whereas enticing deeply with these designated homes that poetry can convey to story.

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2. She tried not to think narrow shoulders. Her hips were more boyish than he liked. Neither could stand the curtains in the room but only lived with them for hours at a time. The whole apartment was provisional as a tent, a flat which might be taken down at any time, signs of habitation meant to hearten or deceive. 3. In the trenches not every touch had nuance. There was simply comfort in them in the face of danger. 4. Evading capture, there they could tell the truth quietly without consequence, without it becoming part or alteration of the current of a life.

19 Gunga Din A sudden formal turn, the last hours of a visit, my father calls me in to sit across from him and asks that if I write again from stories he’s told me would I honor the memory of the man who carried water for their detachment of slave-laborers who fed scrap into the hell’s mouth smelter— like something out of Dante—anyway, did I remember what he’d told me about that faithful man, my father wants to know? I remembered that he hadn’t so much told me as I’d been allowed to overhear since he knew better than to speak to me directly then, into the adolescent fumarole I iced over in irony, my constant mode with him as much as I dared— to guard against my tendency to believe— and wound him when I could for things that I was given to remember without prompt, the times he’d roared and struck, the heavy-handed absences, the stories of privation depriving me, locked in with him inside that closed economy with almost all the space for story taken, and still more room required to have his life squeeze through again and again some narrow passage to survival.

The room is submarine, a diving bell on the sea floor in international waters. Sound comes in muffled by the watery medium of glass, traffic noises radioed from far away, even distress signals they are in no position to answer, having answered those that brought them there. 42 11. To win by stratagem, to occupy another country for some months with its single crop. 12. If his heart stops, he leaves behind the complicated disgrace to others— having fallen in the field, one of the dishonored dead, struck down in the very act of fleeing.

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The Laughter of Adam and Eve by Jason Sommer

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