Collectif Kousmine Catherine's The Kousmine Method PDF

By Collectif Kousmine Catherine

ISBN-10: 2883530017

ISBN-13: 9782883530010

This ebook is translated from the unique French variation by way of Andree Walczak, MD.
This translation is permitted through the Kousmine Association.
Titre unique: los angeles methode Kousmine- ©Editions Jouvence, 1989

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The development of analytical methods able to measure infinitesimal quantities (one part per billion) of these metals has allowed us to demonstrate the importance of their presence. Calcium This element is well known. It has many functions at the level of the cell membrane, and aids in muscle contraction. It is present in the blood, the extracellular fluid, the cellular membranes, and some ilttacellular components. Dietary sources of calcium are primarily milk and dairy products. Cereals and meat are poor in calcium.

Be well in your saddle}- and that it would be logical to suppress the need for cancer before suppressing the cancer itself! • An Aberrant Immunity When a body tissue fixeS aggressing agents, sometimes the body does not recognize this tissue anymore as its own but views it as an aggressor. It is then treated as a stranger to be destroyed. This is what we are witnessing in autoimmune diseases: myopathy, 8cleroderma, lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, and so on. • A Lost Immunity: AIDS For Doctor Kousmine, AIDS .

The Kousmine Method 22 • An Exuberant Immunity When the immunological response gets out of hand we witness an exuberant i11t11Ulllity. Against the aggressor, the immunological response becomes out of proportion with the attack. It is the fly crushed with a boxing glove! This is found in allergies and arthritis. This situation is the result of an excess of PGEz and a deficit of PGE1. The body starts an immunological defense mechanism which it is unable to control. • An Immunity Led Astray or Perverted An Immunity led astray leads to benign tumors first, then to malignant ones (cancer).

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The Kousmine Method by Collectif Kousmine Catherine

by Paul

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