New PDF release: The Evolution of Apollinaire's poetics

By Francis J Carmody

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B CC, and ABAB. Several critics have associated Le Voyageur with the earth­ quake disaster that occurred at Messina in 1908, without regard for the fact that the Strait enters into the story of Ulysses, or that the Strait and the grape harvest appear in different verse forms and thematic terms, or, indeed, that the harvest has no apparent relationship to a theme of disaster. ven several times before integration in the pathetic manner of this late poem. IV. THE VI SIONS OF 1908 FROM Lul de Faltenin ( 7-xi ) to Les Fiant;aillr;s ( 8-xii ) , Apollinaire developed, in ever-growing intensity, a bold poetics of new forms and themes.

The roundel was composed sometime before February, 1909, and its date could be determined only through a specific source or, by inference, through its contents. Two verses in Saltimbanques, Chaque arbre fruitier ... ils leur font signe La main du petit saltimbanque find a good parallel in Heine 's Intermede lyrique : "une main blanche nous fait signe ... aux lueurs dorees du crepuscule ... Apollinaire 's title " cre­ puscule," and the personification of trees. The resemblances to Heine cease, however, with this and one other parallel, in the short scene in his Histoires: "il rode dans Ie pays avec des comediens fardes.

De son ventre dechire, Ie sang coule ... " Rim­ baud's sadism never arrives at this intensity ( " J 'ai assis la Beaute sur mes genoux ... Et je l'ai injuriee-Je serai oisif et brutal-J'ai fait Ie bond de la bete feroce" ) . Lautreamont's method is closely related to the presentation of Onirocritique. In part 59, at the end of the work, he writes : "Pour con­ struire mecaniquement la cervelle d 'un conte somnifere, il ne suffit pas de dissequer des betises et abrutir ... l 'intelligence du lecteur ...

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The Evolution of Apollinaire's poetics by Francis J Carmody

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