Download e-book for iPad: The Decline of the Guru: The Academic Profession in by P. Altbach

By P. Altbach

ISBN-10: 031229591X

ISBN-13: 9780312295912

ISBN-10: 1403960542

ISBN-13: 9781403960542

ISBN-10: 1403982562

ISBN-13: 9781403982568

The educational occupation faces new demanding situations all over the place. The pressures of mass better schooling, responsibility, economic constraints, distance schooling and the hot applied sciences, and altering attitudes bearing on educational paintings have mixed to put remarkable traces at the professoriate. This ebook brings jointly the superior analysts of the educational occupation in a breathtaking comparative research of the altering educational office. the strain this is on center source of revenue and constructing international locations, however the matters mentioned are proper far and wide. This ebook, accurately as a result of its comparative and foreign point of view, comes in handy all over the world. one of the issues thought of within the case examine chapters are: the altering demographics of the educational occupation, together with the function of gender within the professoriate, new advancements in educational appointments, together with the phrases of educational paintings, overview of professors, and the tenure process, exterior pressures at the educational occupation, together with calls for for responsibility and threats to educational freedom, the altering nature of educational paintings, together with styles of training and overview of scholars and raises in educating tasks, the position of study in a altering educational setting, the impression of the hot applied sciences and distance schooling, and destiny customers for the professoriate.

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Ongoing surveys would enable researchers to track this important occupational group nationally and to discern the diverse forms of academic work that have evolved in different contexts and periods. Better information on the profession would permit topics to be explored that at present can only be partially approached—such as the situation of women in academia. , 1994, pp. 219–229 and Gil-Antón, 1996, p. 322). , 1994, p. 168 and Gil-Antón, 1996, p. 322). Another piece of information that should be followed up by more precise investigation was that women’s participation is considerably higher in private institutions than in public ones.

However, this 30 Manuel Gil-A nto´n growth in turn reflected other profound social changes—industrialization, urbanization, and the growing intricateness of social life. The growth in the number of academic positions in Mexican higher education and the social effort it involved are better understood if they are related to some contextual data. The context was that of a country embarking on an overdue modernization and a society marked by great inequalities and deficits in basic services. In 1940, according to census data, 90 percent of Mexican adults over the age of 15 corresponded to the category of “extreme educational poverty”: 58 percent were illiterate; 25 percent had some reading, writing, and elementary calculation skills, not learned at school; and the remaining 7 percent had not completed the mandatory six years of elementary school established at that time by the Constitution.

I refuse to believe that the flow is exclusively in one direction. Rather, to my understanding, it is about a complex convergence between internal and external factors, the results of which still need to be clarified. In any case, the prevailing trends regarding higher education elsewhere in the world—necessary for benchmarking—need to be examined in the light of current data, original research, and recent regulatory efforts—so as to avoid generalizing from stereotypes that are no longer valid.

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The Decline of the Guru: The Academic Profession in Developing and Middle-Income Countries by P. Altbach

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