The Attitude of Islam Towards Science and Philosophy ; A - download pdf or read online

By Aadil Amin Kak Dr. Hamid Naseem Rafiabadi

ISBN-10: 8176254134

ISBN-13: 9788176254137

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Extra info for The Attitude of Islam Towards Science and Philosophy ; A Translation of Ibn Rushd's (Averroes) Famous Treatise

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And finally Khalabl1h Le. rhetoric, sophistry and persuasion. According to Ibn Rushd argued this Wo1S the method to be used while dealing with the masses for who m philosophy would be dangerous and they must take the Quriln literally. As Ibn Rushd's teachings reilched Christendom. his allegorical conviction was til ken to mean that he advocated a "double truth": Truth in philosophy might be entirely different-even opposite - from truth in religion. Ibn Rushd himself denied this, claiming that there is only one truth, but that there are many ways to access this truth .

H e cannot really be identical with (:ontingent and a(:cidental phenomena, ye t his essence is not to tillly unconnected with such phenomena. They represent (:ontinge nt aspe<:ts of the necessary and essential relationships thilt he has establis hed. To take an eXilmple, God kn o ws which physical laws govern the universe, but he does no t need to observe any moving objec ts t o understand the prindples of movement. Such obser va tions are o nly appropriate objects of knowledge of sentie nt crea tures w ith sensory apparat us and are far beneath the dignity o f the creator.

Unlike other philosophers, Ibn Rushd recognized the validitl and significance of prophecy. He also believed that Sha ria/r de r ived from prophecy was definitely superior to the lIomos (laws) derived from reason. However, Ibn Rushd was also convinced that the philoso phers approach to both na ture and revealed text was supe rior to that of thefuqaha (juris ts) and the mulkallimooll (theologians). lOne important aspect is that Ibn Rushd used Quranic 42 : Th~ Alli/iule of Islam TmlJluds ScieuCt and Philosophy injunctions to reflect upon and to observe Allah's signs as an injunction to philosophize.

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The Attitude of Islam Towards Science and Philosophy ; A Translation of Ibn Rushd's (Averroes) Famous Treatise by Aadil Amin Kak Dr. Hamid Naseem Rafiabadi

by James

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