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By Hal Marcovitz

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Of the cell development of Since undergoing the therapy Benson blood occurs. has shown vast improvement. The stem cells helped repair the damaged part of his heart: measurements have indicated his heart pumps twice as hard as it did before he received the injections. The most significant evidence of the therapy’s success, though, is the simple fact that Benson has already lived much longer than the doctor predicted when he was first advised to seek stem cell therapy. “I’ve gotten my sense of humor back,”26 Benson said a year after his treatment.

In fact, scientists have designated only a few kinds of adult stem cells as multipotent, meaning they can differentiate into other cells, but to a lesser extent than embryonic stem cells that are pluripotent. Says Leo Furcht: All stem cells can renew themselves and develop into specialized cells. For many adult stem cells the potential to regenerate is limited, more or less, to the tissues and organs in which [they reside]. In other words, an adult stem cell from the liver regenerates liver tissue.

Fox has established the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, contributing more than $4 million to research projects that employ stem cells and therapeutic cloning. “It is the gateway [to a cure],” Fox says of SCNT, “and it’s pretty established that it’s the gateway to curing and treating a lot of diseases, but especially Parkinson’s because it’s so specific a problem. ”45 Human Trials genes Even if stem cells created through therapeutic Tiny sections of the long cloning are not injected into patients, they are chains of DNA in cell still regarded as important tools for doctors that nuclei; human DNA could ultimately provide them with a better unhas some 23,000 genes, derstanding of how diseases occur.

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Stem Cell Research by Hal Marcovitz

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