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By Michael P. H. Stumpf, Carsten Wiuf

ISBN-10: 1848164335

ISBN-13: 9781848164338

Networks supply a truly valuable approach to describe a variety of diverse info varieties in biology, physics and in different places. except delivering a handy instrument to imagine hugely established info, networks let stringent mathematical and statistical research. lately, a lot development has been accomplished to interpret a number of different types of organic community facts equivalent to transcriptomic, metabolomic and protein interplay information in addition to epidemiological information. Of specific curiosity is to appreciate the association, complexity and dynamics of organic networks and the way those are encouraged via community evolution and performance. This e-book experiences and explores statistical, mathematical and evolutionary thought and instruments within the realizing of organic networks. The ebook is split into finished and self-contained chapters, each one of which makes a speciality of an incredible organic community style, explains suggestions and conception and illustrates how those can be utilized to acquire perception into biologically appropriate tactics and questions. There are chapters masking metabolic, transcriptomic, protein interplay and epidemiological networks in addition to chapters that care for theoretical and conceptual fabric. The authors, who give a contribution to the e-book, are lively, very hot and recognized within the community group.

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Statistical and Evolutionary Analysis of Biological Networks by Michael P. H. Stumpf, Carsten Wiuf

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