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M. announcement. And even those relative successes were not without their unsettling moments. For example, during the discussions between GE and Martin Marietta, officials met mostly in a special work area on the fifty-third floor of an office building in Rockefeller Center. Nearly 100 people who came to be known as the "hole in the wall gang" were hidden away there, pursuing the legal, financial, operational, and personnel Page 10 aspects of the dealhoping they would not be noticed in the everyday activity of Manhattan.

Indeed, the very future of an enterprise often depends on how expertly he or she handles the challenge. From this incisive passage in Julius Caesar, Shakespeare shows himself to be not only a brilliant poet and dramatist but also an excellent businessperson. For as regular as the tide are headlines announcing that yet another business has stumbled into a crisisoften without warning and sometimes through no direct fault of its management. Earlier this year, a single day's copy of the Washington Post reported the almost unprecedented series of crashes suffered by American Eagle Airlines; the possible connection between some of the crashes and aircraft built by the French company Avions de Transport Regional; the bankruptcy of Orange County, California, stemming from speculation in leveraged derivatives; and Intel's Page 3 travails with its Pentium microprocessor.

This exercise is, of course, not much fun, which probably explains why relatively few businesspeople carry it out. Obviously, some of the items on the list will prove to be outside a CEO's controlbut the response to those items is very much within it. Lacking control over the origin of a problem does not exempt you from living with its consequences. Page 9 Why do major corporations encounter so many crises? It is useful to point out that General Motors has about the same number of employees as San Francisco has citizens; that AT&T is about the same size as Buffalo, New York; and that Lockheed Martin is the size of Spokane, Washington.

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Policy Options for Improving Env Mgt in the Private Sector

by Ronald

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