Petersburg 1864-65: The longest siege - download pdf or read online

By Ron Field

ISBN-10: 1846033551

ISBN-13: 9781846033551

In 1864 Petersburg, Virginia turned the environment for one of many final nice campaigns of the us Civil warfare and the longest siege in American background. After his failure to seize Richmond within the Spring, basic Ulysses S. supply made up our minds to strangle the existence out of the accomplice military of Northern Virginia by means of surrounding the town of Petersburg and removing basic Robert E. Lee's offer strains. the resultant siege may stick with it for almost ten months, contain 160,000 infantrymen, and notice a couple of pitched battles together with the conflict of the Crater, Reams Station, Hatcher's Run, and White Oak highway. yet round those battles have been lengthy days of dwelling in trenches, enduring negative nutrition and iciness climate, and affliction consistent artillery bombardment. In April of 1865, provide ordered a sweeping offensive opposed to the beleaguered Confederates, which broke Lee's correct flank and compelled him to retreat to Appomattox courtroom apartment, the place he surrendered per week later. Written via knowledgeable at the American Civil battle, this publication examines the final conflict among the armies of U.S. provide and Robert E. Lee.

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They also scoured the camps of the IX Corps for wood and commandeered local sawmills. One of the most important items required was a theodolite, or surveying instrument, needed to plot the course of the mining. An accurate estimate of the location of the tunnel was essential if the operation was to succeed. However, Meade's engineering staff was skeptical of the success of the operation, and stubbornly refused to comply, so Burnside ordered the purchase of one in Washington, DC. The instrument finally received by Pleasants was old-fashioned, but served its purpose.

A battery composed of four Napoleon 12-pounders was also situated in the fort, manned by the Virginia battery of Captain Richard G. Pegram. THE ASSAULT BEGINS As dawn approached, the massed formations consisting of about 9,000 men of the IX Corps, supported by 8,000 troops with the XVIII Corps, a further 5,000 in the V Corps, and a division of the X Corps, awaited the signal to begin the attack. m. About 600 yards behind the centre of the IX Corps lines, it provided a good view of the ground over which the action would take place.

Inevitably, these stories were communicated to the Confederates via boasts and taunts of pickets, while some Union deserters told the enemy about the mine but provided insufficient information to permit the defending garrison to detect its exact location. By July 17, 1864, the miners had dug a tunnel 510 feet long which had reached its destination under the Confederate defense works. At this stage, Pleasants ordered a temporary halt to work after information was received that the enemy suspected what the Yankees were up to.

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Petersburg 1864-65: The longest siege by Ron Field

by Thomas

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