On Concepts and Measures of Multifactor Productivity in by Alexandra Cas PDF

By Alexandra Cas

ISBN-10: 0511528450

ISBN-13: 9780511528453

ISBN-10: 052102434X

ISBN-13: 9780521024341

ISBN-10: 0521365368

ISBN-13: 9780521365369

This e-book provides new estimates of the assets of financial development in Canada. The experimental measures account for the reproductibility of capital inputs in an input-output framework and exhibit that advances in know-how are extra very important for fiscal progress than formerly envisioned. conventional measures of multifactor productiveness strengthen also are offered. vast comparisons relate the 2 ways to one another and to quite a number measures of structural swap and hard work productiveness.

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If the labour components of Table 1-1 are now examined and labour input-gross output coefficients are defined as Lhj/Qj = bhJ, then for the hth kind of labour, bhJQj = LhJ and for all kinds of labour, BQ = L (1-13) where B is the matrix (of order h xri)of the bh/s, Q is again the column vector of the gross outputs of the industries, and L is the column vector (of order h) of the given nonreproducible flows of labour. The intermediate input and labour input equations can be combined to yield B[I-A]-lC+B[I-A]-1AK=BQ = L (1-14) where a particular vector offinaloutput of consumption and gross fixed capital formation will require a particular (vector of) labour input.

Diewert, "The Theory of the Output Price Index and the Measurement of Real Output Change", eds. W. E. Diewert and C. Montmarquette, Price Level Measurement (Ottawa: Supply and Services, Government of Canada, 1983). In index number form, one would have as quantity indexes for, say, the intermediate inputs P i0Mij0 P i\Mij0 in their Laspeyres and Paasche forms together with the matching price indexes. Again, one could construct, at the intermediate input level, Laspeyres - and Paasche - equivalent quantity and prices indexes.

If y4 is real, then the matrix equation may be written as C+AK=[I-A]Q (1-11) or [I-A]-lC+[I-A]-lAK=Q (1-12) l where the inverted matrix [I-A]~ shows the direct and indirect intermediate input requirements per unit of gross output of the n industries. If the labour components of Table 1-1 are now examined and labour input-gross output coefficients are defined as Lhj/Qj = bhJ, then for the hth kind of labour, bhJQj = LhJ and for all kinds of labour, BQ = L (1-13) where B is the matrix (of order h xri)of the bh/s, Q is again the column vector of the gross outputs of the industries, and L is the column vector (of order h) of the given nonreproducible flows of labour.

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On Concepts and Measures of Multifactor Productivity in Canada, 1961-1980 by Alexandra Cas

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